[FFmpeg-user] Fwd: Understanding/preventing buffer overruns

Marton Balint cus at passwd.hu
Mon Jul 20 20:15:09 EEST 2020

On Mon, 20 Jul 2020, Simon Roberts wrote:

>>> [...snip, mostly successful scenario describing simultaneous recording
>> > of four video channels...]
>> >
>> >> But... I get almost continuous buffer overruns after about a minute.
>> >> Can someone tell me where to start learning about how I might fix this
>> >> (I presume it can't be good that it's doing this even though the
>> >> output seems to be OK, right?)
>> > [...snip...]
>> >> Here's a sample of the messages during recording (which also repeat
>> >> essentially continuously)
>> >>
>> >> [decklink @ 0x55b2249e8580] Decklink input buffer overrun!
>> >>     Last message repeated 1 times
>> >> [decklink @ 0x55b2249a4040] Decklink input buffer overrun!944kB
>> >> time=00:00:52.30 bitrate=549308.8kbits/s dup=35 drop=4048 speed=0.999x
>> >> [decklink @ 0x55b2249e8580] Decklink input buffer overrun!
>> >>     Last message repeated 13 times
>> >
>> > Poking around, it seems the universal answer to all questions of this
>> > kind is "your computer can't handle the workload". However, I'm
>> > absolutely certain this is not the case for me since if I run a single
>> > ffmpeg process to capture these four video plus four audio channels, I
>> > get high rates of buffer overrun reports, but, if I run five *separate
>> > but simultaneous* ffmpeg processes, each one capturing/compressing a
>> > single video stream, and a fifth that captures the audio (which is
>> > actually coming from a four channel USB device), the recordings
>> > proceed at 1x, with no buffer overruns, and no complaints of any kind
>> > at the default logging level. Also, the CPU load during this
>> > five-ffmpegs-at-once totals just about one-half the total available
>> > CPU power of the machine.
>> Output IO speed can also limit the ability of the process to read the
>> input fast enough.
> Undoubtedly true, but hypothesis that such a problem is the cause of
> my observations is inconsistent with the machine's demonstrated
> ability to capture, compress, and write these streams into five files,
> on the same storage medium, concurrently, simply by using five
> concurrent ffmpeg processes. This hardware performs the work
> successfully, but when ffmpeg tries to do it as a single process (with
> many threads), it gets into trouble (or at least reports that it
> does--I'm still not sure if the warning messages actually represent a
> real problem or not).
> As a side note, I'm writing to M.2 PCIe storage that can sink 2.4
> GBytes/second continuously (yes, I did run this for long enough to
> overflow the caches many times over), and the output of these captures
> don't come even close; the total bandwidth for them runs less than 90
> MBytes/second.
>> > The only real downside to this approach that I perceive is that I have
>> > a tiny (perhaps one or two frames??) synchronization error between the
>> > relative files, but it seems to indicate that perhaps ffmpeg's
>> > internal buffer management might either allow control that I don't
>> > know about that would fix this (I'd love to hear about it if this is
>> > the case) or that there is a significant opportunity for improving the
>> > tool in respect of higher performance modern machines and this kind of
>> > capture (I'm only capturing standard 1080/30p and increasingly it
>> > seems that 4K is growing in popularity.)
>> 1-2 frames difference is unavoidable, even if you capture multiple inputs
>> in the same process, syncrhronized capture is not guaranteed at all.
> Fair enough. Good to know; I shan't waste time trying to pursue that further.
>> > So, to that end, I now have two new questions (unless someone can tell me how to
>> > tune the buffers or whatever and make this work well as a single process)
>> >
>> > 1) how would I report this to the developers (the ffmpeg-devel list
>> > seems to say that it's for discussion of development, not for
>> > reporting issues/bugs/rfes)?
>> This is mailing list is the right place. Or trac.ffmpeg.org if you are
>> confident this is a bug (I think it is not).
> I agree that it's not a bug. It's an opportunity for enhancement.
> ffmpeg is *functionally* correct in all respects related to the
> captures that I'm performing. There is, however, a significant
> opportunity for improving the *performance* (or more precisely the
> capacity/throughput).
> It might be that there's tuning available at the command line that can
> rectify this, but nothing has been proposed to this point, and, as I
> mentioned, every other question on these lines that I've seen has
> ended with "your hardware can't do that much work". I have
> demonstrated that in this situation, that is not the case; my hardware
> has demonstrated that it *can* do it, end-to-end.
> So, is this the right place for an enhancement request/proposal? Is
> there a standard form for the email header?
> trac.ffmpeg.org Thanks. this looks like I shall need to poke around in
> the developer docs there and see if I can begin to understand how this
> thing's architecture hangs together.
>> > 2) What pointers for how I might be able to participate in trying to
>> > work on the improvement?
>> Complete command line you are using and the console output is a good
>> start.
> I was unclear, I'm contemplating whether I might try to contribute a
> fix to the source code, to put some effort into improving ffmpeg.
> However, this is the command that generates buffer overruns:
> ffmpeg  -f decklink -i 'DeckLink Quad HDMI Recorder (1)'   -f decklink
> -raw_format argb -i 'DeckLink Quad HDMI Recorder (4)'   -f decklink -i
> 'DeckLink Quad HDMI Recorder (2)'   -f decklink -raw_format argb -i
> 'DeckLink Quad HDMI Recorder (3)' -f alsa -channels 4 -i plughw:1
> -map 0:v -map 1:v -map 2:v -map 3:v   -r 30 -c:v prores_ks -profile:v
> 3 -q:v 4 -channels 4  -map 4:a -channel_layout quad -c:a copy
> -metadata title=DeckLinkCapture  -y  capture-4chan-audiocopy.mov

I'd try to find out if capturing without audio makes any difference.


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