[FFmpeg-user] Glossary: d-NTSC & d-PAL

Jim DeLaHunt list+ffmpeg-user at jdlh.com
Thu Oct 1 20:03:04 EEST 2020

On 2020-10-01 06:27, Mark Filipak (ffmpeg) wrote:

> On 09/30/2020 11:56 PM, Jim DeLaHunt wrote:
>> On 2020-09-30 20:36, Mark Filipak (ffmpeg) wrote:
>>> Continuing with relatively non controversial entries:
>>> d-NTSC [noun]: 1, The digital equivalent of NTSC distinguished by
>>>   binary metadata:
>>>   720 samples/row: 'horizontal_size_value' = 0010 1101 0000
>>>                    'horizontal_size_extension' = 00
>>>   480 rows: 'vertical_size_value' = 0001 1110 0000
>>>             'vertical_size_extension' = 00
>>>   4:3 DAR: 'aspect_ratio_information' = 0010
>>>   30/1.001 FPS: 'frame_rate_code' = 0100
>>>   'progressive_sequence' = 0 & 'progressive_frame' = 0
>>> d-PAL [noun]: 1, The digital equivalent of PAL distinguished by binary
>>>   metadata:
>>>   720 samples/row: 'horizontal_size_value' = 0010 1101 0000
>>>                    'horizontal_size_extension' = 00
>>>   576 rows: 'vertical_size_value' = 0010 0100 0000
>>>             'vertical_size_extension' = 00
>>>   4:3 DAR: 'aspect_ratio_information' = 0010
>>>   25 FPS: 'frame_rate_code' = 0011
>>>   'progressive_sequence' = 0 & 'progressive_frame' = 0 
>> It seems to me that these are no longer glossary entries — or, only 
>> the first line of each is a glossary entry. ...
> …The sentence is a statement followed by a list of metadata that 
> distinguishes the subject...
> Do you have any suggestions? Should I just forget this glossary idea?

What makes sense to me is a glossary which includes the entries:

d-NTSC [noun]: 1, The digital equivalent of NTSC

d-PAL [noun]: 1, The digital equivalent of PAL

Then a table of XYZ metadata entries which have been found in the wild:

[Display the following table with fixed-width font]

Kind of data   |                          Metadata field entries
                |  Metadata key               | Metadata value | Meaning
d-NTSC         | 'horizontal_size_value' | 0010 1101 0000 | 720 samples/row
                | 'horizontal_size_extension' | 00       |
                | 'vertical_size_value' | 0001 1110 0000 | 480 rows
                | 'vertical_size_extension'   | 00             |
                | 'aspect_ratio_information'  | 0010           | 4:3 DAR
                | 'frame_rate_code' | 0100           | 30/1.001 FPS
                | 'progressive_sequence' | 0              |
                | 'progressive_frame' | 0             |
d-PAL          | 'horizontal_size_value' | 0010 1101 0000 | 720 samples/row
                | 'horizontal_size_extension' | 00             |
                | 'vertical_size_value' | 0010 0100 0000 | 576rows
[… etc …]

And, you need to fill in "XYZ", which stands for the context: metadata 
of which format or specification?  Of an MPEG-2 video? Of the ISO file 
corresponding to a DVD? Of something else?

       —Jim DeLaHunt

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