[FFmpeg-user] [hls] keepalive request failed

Reino Wijnsma rwijnsma at xs4all.nl
Sun Oct 25 00:18:45 EEST 2020

On 2020-10-24T00:12:30+0200, Reino Wijnsma <rwijnsma at xs4all.nl> wrote:
> ffmpeg -fflags +igndts -i "https://vod-kijk2-prod.talpatvcdn.nl/GIEBboXaKkD/3bf69d5f-da4f-7756-7e3d-ad8d1295f936/GIEBboXaKkD-index.ism/GIEBboXaKkD-index-audio=160000-video=3031502.m3u8" -i "https://vod-kijk2-prod.talpatvcdn.nl/webvtt/760978E1.vtt" -c copy -c:s srt "output.mkv"
> [...]
> [mpegts @ 0500f040] PES packet size mismatchime=00:32:30.87 bitrate=3177.6kbits/s speed=2.52x
> [...]
To answer my own question: adding the flag "discardcorrupt" (-fflags +discardcorrupt+igndts) fixes the issue and keeps the process going.


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