[FFmpeg-user] ffmpeg-lambda-layer and concat protocol

Carl Eugen Hoyos ceffmpeg at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 23:18:15 EET 2021

Am Mi., 24. Feb. 2021 um 21:44 Uhr schrieb Maksym Portianoi
<portimaksym at gmail.com>:

>     '"concat:/tmp/pt1.mp3|/tmp/pt2.mp3"',

Unrelated to your question - I have no idea what a lambda-layer is:
Above is 100% equivalent to "cat pt1.mp3 pt2.mp3 > $(fileName)",
this is often not ok for mp3 files.
If it is ok, you can use cat, no need for FFmpeg.

In general, when asking questions here, you are expected to
provide an actual FFmpeg command line that you tested in a
shell of your choice together with the complete, uncut console

Carl Eugen

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