[FFmpeg-user] Keep vfr and original pts

Carl Eugen Hoyos ceffmpeg at gmail.com
Sat Jan 23 20:22:32 EET 2021

Am Sa., 23. Jan. 2021 um 19:19 Uhr schrieb Wolfgang Hugemann <auto at hugemann.de>:
> I have a vfr mp4 video from a private security cam with a very specific
> pts pattern. The duration of the frames is
> 80-80-40-80-80-40-80-80-40-... ms.
> I would like to hand this video to others as a demonstration of vfr
> video, but have to blur it in order to preserve privacy.
> I tried something like
> ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf boxblur=10:1 -vsync 2 -copyts blur.mp4

FFmpeg's mov muxer does not support vfr, use another container.

For future questions: Always provide the command line you
tested together with its complete, uncut console output.

Carl Eugen

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