[FFmpeg-user] ffmpeg transitions not working

Gyan Doshi ffmpeg at gyani.pro
Sat Jun 19 15:56:17 EEST 2021

On 2021-06-19 18:22, iburman at compuscience.com wrote:
> I'm having problems with transitions. To be sure I am not making something
> wrong, I simply copy/paste the example shown in
> https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#xfade, adjusted my two video file
> names to comply with the example, and got the same problems as with my own
> commands.
> The example on the site shows this: ffmpeg -i first.mp4 -i second.mp4
> -filter_complex xfade=transition=fade:duration=2:offset=5 output.mp4
> My first and second files have 1 min each.
> First I run the command without any change; obviously offset 5 isn't
> appropriate but I gave it a try.
> Second I adjusted duration to 10 and offset to 55 to be appropriate with my
> two mp4 files. The result was the same:
> The final output.mp4 has the right duration (1:55) but it is totally black.
> What I see during execution is that the first video is read/copied to
> output.mp4 quite fast. After that it starts reading second.mp4 and works a
> very long time on it, probably close to one minute.

Which player?


     ffmpeg -i first.mp4 -i second.mp4 -filter_complex 
xfade=transition=fade:duration=2:offset=5 -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4


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