[FFmpeg-user] Python / Qprocess misfires commands.

Moritz Barsnick barsnick at gmx.net
Sun May 16 16:46:13 EEST 2021

On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 13:16:41 +0200, Bouke wrote:
> Using Python to fire FFmpeg
> cmd = ‘ffmpeg’
> args = [‘-f’, ‘avfoundation’, ‘-i’, ‘:0’]
> with a QProcess, this returns exit code 6, exitstatus 1
> ffmpeg -f avfoundation -i :0 in a Terminal works.
> (At least one output file….)

You will have to show/look at the console output of both commands.
(It's there for a reason, and most likely says what the issue is.)


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