[FFmpeg-user] Why are these different?

Mark Filipak markfilipak.imdb at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 03:43:15 EET 2024

Why are these different?

Looking only at the first 5 video frames:

ffmpeg -ss 20.061708333 -copyts -i %SOURCE% -map 0 -c copy -sn -dn -muxdelay 0 %TARGET%
produces this:
0,    2846606,    2854113,     3753,   640646, 0x3a5a0c45
0,    2850360,    2850360,     3753,   640646, 0xfed1d09a <== error
0,    2854113,    2861621,     3753,   640646, 0x02208727

0,    2857867,    2857867,     3753,   640646, 0x108abb16
0,    2861621,    2869128,     3753,   640646, 0xfd51ca41

ffmpeg -copyts -i %SOURCE% -map 0 -ss 20.061708333 -c copy -sn -dn -muxdelay 0 %TARGET%
produces this:
0,      50062,      61323,     3753,   640646, 0x12a26bc2
0,      53816,      53816,     3753,   415846, 0xb16fcb71 <== error
0,      57569,      57569,     3753,   123879, 0xf2721eb8 <== error
0,      61323,      68831,     3753,   126929, 0xe73f80e5
0,      65077,      65077,     3753,   124619, 0x20a2a8d5

They have the same '-copyts'. They should have the same DTSs & PTSs. They don't.
They have the same '-muxdelay 0'. They should both have no delay. The 2nd has delay.
The packet with CRC=0x3a5a0c45 is packet 0 in the first and packet 264 in the second.

'showinfo' shows only frames and uses bogus PTSs. 'framecrc' shows only packets, not frames. So it 
doesn't seem possible to correlate their information.


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