Hervé ANSELME hervea95 at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 29 08:59:44 EET 2024

Hello all,

using release 6.1 of ffmpeg, I have an issue about extracting a part from a mkv video, into another mkv video.

If it can help, there are a few infos about the source video (the video from which I extract) ; infos provided by the VLC MEDIA PLAYER software :


I use the command to extract from "position" (if we can say so) 1320 seconds to "position" 3183 seconds :

      ffmpeg.exe -i "C:\temp\source video.mkv" -ss 1320 -to 3183 -codec copy "D:\temp\new video.mkv"

and in the new video, at the beginning, there are a few seconds missing (about 2-3 seconds) : a few seconds I see in the source video, but not in the new video.

Does anybody have an idea about a way to solve it ?

Please let me know if you require another technical infos, to help ; thanks in advance.


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