[FFserver-user] JPG dimension problem converting an mpg video to jpg.

Pascal Lafond plafond at dmt.ca
Mon Oct 3 19:08:51 CEST 2011

I have a video who's ratio is 16:9 but when I run the command to convert
one frame to a jpg image I get the resulting jpg image in a 4:3 ratio.
In the future my mpg videos may not all have 16:9 ratios so I would like
it if it was recognized automatically.


My command line is 

ffmpeg -i "C:\nnaConverter\testvideo\24289_5_8.mpg" -vframes 1 -ss
00:00:10 -f rawvideo -vcodec mjpeg menu_still.jpg


Adding aspect does not help

ffmpeg -i "C:\nnaConverter\testvideo\24289_5_8.mpg" -vframes 1 -ss
00:00:10 -f rawvideo -aspect 16:9 -vcodec mjpeg menu_still.jpg





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