[Libav-user] Documentation

George Sharara george.sharara at ttx.co.uk
Tue Jul 26 13:49:41 CEST 2011


As far as open source projects go, I have to say FFMPEG is in the running for the worst documented project I have ever come across. For a project as large and complicated as it is, one would expect a good level of developer documentation.
Merely listing method signatures does not serve as documentation. Furthermore, you don't even have a sample code on your OWN site. I have had to hop from site to site looking for sample code, and where I have found it, in never compiles (WHY? Because none of it is up to date). It seems many methods have been deprecated recently but no information exists on how to implement the new functions.

PROBLEM: I have written a simple program which just opens a file and grabs a frame and saves it to file.  I downloaded the latest builds from Zeranoe.com
ffmpeg-git-9c2651a-win32-dev,  ffmpeg-git-9c2651a-win32-shared. I've linked the appropriate libraries, but I get the message:

The procedure entry point av_get_pix_fmt_name could not be located in the dll avutil-51.dll

My code does not explicitly call the function at all.
<libavutil/avutil.h>, <libavcodec/avcodec.h>, <libavformat/avformat.h>, <libswscale/swscale.h>,
I am using these header and the corresponding lib files.

Windows 7
MinGW 4.5.2


George Sharara

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