[Libav-user] MPEG-TS UDP Multicast streaming

"Simon Zünd" simon.zuend at gmx.net
Fri Oct 14 09:59:16 CEST 2011


we are developing an app for iPhone / iPad and want to stream the screen via UDP to a multicast group. The current implementation uses the hardware to encode the stream with H.264. And one of the devs wrote a simple module which muxes the video stream into MPEG TS and sends it to the multicast.

My question now is if its possible that ffmpeg does the muxing (maybe the streaming too?), because this would  clearly be a more stable approach. I spent a whole day looking through the header files (ffmpeg is already in the project). But honestly, i don't have a clue. I also took a peek at ffserver.c but this file is HUGE.

So a little help / hint where to start would be very nice. It's not necessary that ffmpeg does all the work, but it would be huge if it would mux the mpeg-ts, because we will have to add an audio stream later on which is not yet supported in the self written code.

Regards Simon
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