[Libav-user] A very mysterious question about FFMpeg encoding.

Denis info at denisgottardello.it
Thu Sep 22 23:06:46 CEST 2011

> You need to show the source of your data. How do you get the frames from a
> webcam, does it come in packets? RGB data? that's the code you should show.
> The problem that I'm seeing is that you're using an avio context when you
> don't actually intend to write data with it to a file. Just take the webcam
> frame data call avcodec_encode_video and that function writes it to a
> buffer. I'm not sure why you're making the all these avio calls. I suggest
> you also look at the headers for avcodec_encode_video.

I have just reply to you but, the mail must get the moderator approval.

Skype: mrdebug
Videosurveillance and home automation! 

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