[Libav-user] how to generate fragmented mp4 files via ffmpeg library

方柏棟 berton1679 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 03:24:49 CET 2015

Dear All,
I have bunch of .h264 raw data, could any one tell me how to use ffmpeg
library to mux .h264 to  fragmented mp4 files.
I only know how to generate fragmented mp4 file via ffmpeg.exe, like below,

ffmpeg -i xx.h264 -vcodec copy -an -f mp4 -reset_timestamps 0 \
-movflags empty_moov+default_base_moof+frag_keyframe -loglevel quiet xxx.mp4


Po-Tung Fang
Email: berton1679 at gmail.com
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