[Libav-user] streaming format

Sebastian Guttenberg sgutten at ms2-gmbh.de
Mon Mar 19 15:49:50 EET 2018

> I'm looking for a streaming format so that one program can write to a file while another program can read/play it at same time.
> Seems webm can do it. but when play it with ffplay seems the newly written data are not read out. I googled and see people saying the amount of data can be read is determined when the read file handler is opened, that means there's no way in 2nd process to keep up with 1st process. Does anyone have experience on this?

I have no experience with ffplay, but it is definitely possible to transcode a file with ffmpeg and at the same time read it with another program, like with your own c- or java- or whatever code. I’m doing that and it works. I’m not sure if ffplay or other players can be persuaded to do so.

> Secondly, whatelse streaming formats do we have? I originally thought avi should be but seems ffplay can't play it when it's beeing written so I guess it's not.

As far as I know, the '.ts‘ - container was designed explicitly for streaming ( MPEG-TS ), in particular for continous live streaming.
Webm also works but is relatively slow in transcoding. mp4 is also possible, but in order to use mp4 for streaming, you have to set a couple of parameters while transcoding and switch the moov-atom off completely 
(via „-movflags isml+empty_moov“), because the information necessary for the moov atom is complete only when the transcoding-process is finished. About avi I don’t know if it’s suitable. 


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