SpectralBandReplication Struct Reference

Spectral Band Replication. More...

#include <sbr.h>

Data Fields

int sample_rate
int start
int reset
SpectrumParameters spectrum_params
int bs_amp_res_header
unsigned bs_coupling
unsigned k [5]
 k0, k1, k2
unsigned kx [2]
 kx', and kx respectively, kx is the first QMF subband where SBR is used.
unsigned m [2]
 M' and M respectively, M is the number of QMF subbands that use SBR.
unsigned kx_and_m_pushed
unsigned n_master
 The number of frequency bands in f_master.
SBRData data [2]
PSContext ps
unsigned n [2]
 N_Low and N_High respectively, the number of frequency bands for low and high resolution.
unsigned n_q
 Number of noise floor bands.
unsigned n_lim
 Number of limiter bands.
uint16_t f_master [49]
 The master QMF frequency grouping.
uint16_t f_tablelow [25]
 Frequency borders for low resolution SBR.
uint16_t f_tablehigh [49]
 Frequency borders for high resolution SBR.
uint16_t f_tablenoise [6]
 Frequency borders for noise floors.
uint16_t f_tablelim [29]
 Frequency borders for the limiter.
unsigned num_patches
uint8_t patch_num_subbands [6]
uint8_t patch_start_subband [6]
float X_low [32][40][2]
 QMF low frequency input to the HF generator.
float X_high [64][40][2]
 QMF output of the HF generator.
float X [2][2][38][64]
 QMF values of the reconstructed signal.
float alpha0 [64][2]
 Zeroth coefficient used to filter the subband signals.
float alpha1 [64][2]
 First coefficient used to filter the subband signals.
float e_origmapped [7][48]
 Dequantized envelope scalefactors, remapped.
float q_mapped [7][48]
 Dequantized noise scalefactors, remapped.
uint8_t s_mapped [7][48]
 Sinusoidal presence, remapped.
float e_curr [7][48]
 Estimated envelope.
float q_m [7][48]
 Amplitude adjusted noise scalefactors.
float s_m [7][48]
 Sinusoidal levels.
float gain [7][48]
float qmf_filter_scratch [5][64]
FFTContext mdct_ana
FFTContext mdct
SBRDSPContext dsp
Variables associated with bs_header_extra_2
unsigned bs_limiter_bands
unsigned bs_limiter_gains
unsigned bs_interpol_freq
unsigned bs_smoothing_mode

Detailed Description

Spectral Band Replication.

Definition at line 114 of file sbr.h.

Field Documentation

Zeroth coefficient used to filter the subband signals.

Definition at line 167 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by ff_sbr_apply().

First coefficient used to filter the subband signals.

Definition at line 169 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by ff_sbr_apply().

Definition at line 119 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by read_sbr_grid(), and read_sbr_header().

Definition at line 126 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by read_sbr_header(), and sbr_env_estimate().

Definition at line 124 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by read_sbr_header(), and sbr_make_f_tablelim().

Definition at line 125 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by read_sbr_header(), and sbr_gain_calc().

Definition at line 127 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by read_sbr_header(), and sbr_hf_assemble().

Estimated envelope.

Definition at line 177 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by ff_sbr_apply(), and sbr_gain_calc().

Dequantized envelope scalefactors, remapped.

Definition at line 171 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by sbr_gain_calc(), and sbr_mapping().

The master QMF frequency grouping.

Definition at line 148 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by sbr_hf_calc_npatches(), sbr_make_f_derived(), and sbr_make_f_master().

Frequency borders for high resolution SBR.

Definition at line 152 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by sbr_env_estimate(), sbr_make_f_derived(), and sbr_mapping().

Frequency borders for the limiter.

Definition at line 156 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by sbr_gain_calc(), and sbr_make_f_tablelim().

Frequency borders for low resolution SBR.

Definition at line 150 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by sbr_env_estimate(), sbr_make_f_derived(), sbr_make_f_tablelim(), and sbr_mapping().

Frequency borders for noise floors.

Definition at line 154 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by sbr_hf_gen(), sbr_make_f_derived(), and sbr_mapping().

Definition at line 182 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by sbr_gain_calc(), and sbr_hf_assemble().

k0, k1, k2

Definition at line 130 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by ff_sbr_apply(), sbr_hf_calc_npatches(), sbr_make_f_derived(), and sbr_make_f_master().

kx', and kx respectively, kx is the first QMF subband where SBR is used.

kx' is its value from the previous frame

Definition at line 133 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by ff_aac_sbr_ctx_init(), ff_decode_sbr_extension(), ff_sbr_apply(), sbr_env_estimate(), sbr_gain_calc(), sbr_hf_assemble(), sbr_hf_calc_npatches(), sbr_hf_gen(), sbr_lf_gen(), sbr_make_f_derived(), sbr_make_f_tablelim(), sbr_mapping(), sbr_turnoff(), and sbr_x_gen().

Definition at line 136 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by ff_decode_sbr_extension(), and ff_sbr_apply().

M' and M respectively, M is the number of QMF subbands that use SBR.

Definition at line 135 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by ff_decode_sbr_extension(), ff_sbr_apply(), sbr_env_estimate(), sbr_hf_assemble(), sbr_hf_calc_npatches(), sbr_hf_gen(), sbr_make_f_derived(), sbr_turnoff(), and sbr_x_gen().

Definition at line 185 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by ff_aac_sbr_ctx_close(), ff_aac_sbr_ctx_init(), and ff_sbr_apply().

Definition at line 184 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by ff_aac_sbr_ctx_close(), ff_aac_sbr_ctx_init(), and ff_sbr_apply().

N_Low and N_High respectively, the number of frequency bands for low and high resolution.

Definition at line 142 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by read_sbr_channel_pair_element(), read_sbr_envelope(), read_sbr_single_channel_element(), sbr_dequant(), sbr_env_estimate(), sbr_make_f_derived(), sbr_make_f_tablelim(), and sbr_mapping().

Number of limiter bands.

Definition at line 146 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by sbr_gain_calc(), and sbr_make_f_tablelim().

The number of frequency bands in f_master.

Definition at line 138 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by sbr_hf_calc_npatches(), sbr_make_f_derived(), and sbr_make_f_master().

Number of noise floor bands.

Definition at line 144 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by read_sbr_invf(), read_sbr_noise(), sbr_chirp(), sbr_dequant(), sbr_make_f_derived(), and sbr_mapping().

Definition at line 157 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by sbr_hf_calc_npatches(), sbr_hf_gen(), and sbr_make_f_tablelim().

Definition at line 158 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by sbr_hf_calc_npatches(), sbr_hf_gen(), and sbr_make_f_tablelim().

Definition at line 159 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by sbr_hf_calc_npatches(), and sbr_hf_gen().

Definition at line 140 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by ff_aac_sbr_ctx_init(), ff_sbr_apply(), and read_sbr_extension().

Amplitude adjusted noise scalefactors.

Definition at line 179 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by sbr_gain_calc(), and sbr_hf_assemble().

Dequantized noise scalefactors, remapped.

Definition at line 173 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by sbr_gain_calc(), and sbr_mapping().

Definition at line 183 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by ff_sbr_apply().

Definition at line 117 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by ff_decode_sbr_extension(), read_sbr_header(), and sbr_hf_assemble().

Sinusoidal levels.

Definition at line 181 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by sbr_gain_calc(), and sbr_hf_assemble().

Sinusoidal presence, remapped.

Definition at line 175 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by sbr_gain_calc(), and sbr_mapping().

Definition at line 118 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by read_sbr_header(), sbr_make_f_derived(), sbr_make_f_master(), sbr_reset(), and sbr_turnoff().

Definition at line 116 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by ff_decode_sbr_extension(), ff_sbr_apply(), read_sbr_header(), and sbr_turnoff().

float SpectralBandReplication::X[2][2][38][64]

QMF values of the reconstructed signal.

Definition at line 165 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by ff_sbr_apply().

QMF output of the HF generator.

Definition at line 163 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by ff_sbr_apply().

QMF low frequency input to the HF generator.

Definition at line 161 of file sbr.h.

Referenced by ff_sbr_apply().

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Generated on Fri Oct 26 02:48:07 2012 for FFmpeg by  doxygen 1.5.8