Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- h -
- h
: AlsaData
, Audio3dScopeContext
, AudioBitScopeContext
, AudioFIRContext
, AudioHistogramContext
, AudioIIRContext
, AudioNEqualizerContext
- H
: AudioNLMeansContext
- h
: AudioPhaseMeterContext
, AudioVectorScopeContext
, AVDetectionBBox
, AVFilterLink
, AVMotionVector
, AVSubtitleRect
, AVSyncTestContext
, AVVideoBlockParams
, BlockXY
, BufferSourceContext
, CellAutoContext
, CinepakEncContext
, ColorMapContext
, CoreImageContext
, CropContext
, DelogoContext
, DNXHDParserContext
, DrawBoxContext
, DrawGraphContext
, EBUR128Context
, EXRContext
, FeedbackContext
, Frei0rContext
, GradientsContext
, GraphMonitorContext
, InterBlock
, IPlane
- H
: JPEGRawFrameHeader
- h
: LifeContext
, Map2D
, MBContext
, ModPlugContext
, MorphoContext
, MovTextContext
, NLMeansOpenCLContext
, NPPScaleContext
, PadContext
, PadOpenCLContext
, PGSSubObject
, PixletContext
, PixscopeContext
, QPContext
, ReconstructedArea
, rect
, Rectangle
, RTJpegContext
, RV34DecContext
, ScaleContext
, ShowCWTContext
, ShowFreqsContext
, ShowSpatialContext
, ShowSpectrumContext
, ShowVolumeContext
, ShowWavesContext
, SierpinskiContext
, StreamContext
, SubfileContext
, SwapRectContext
, TestContext
, TestSourceContext
, TestSrcVulkanContext
, thread_data
, ThreadData
, Tile
, TileContext
, TrueMotion1Context
, UntileContext
, VObj
, VP9Context
, VP9SharedContext
, ZPcontext
, ZScaleContext
- h1
: AVMurMur3
- H11
: PSContext
- H12
: PSContext
- h2
: AVMurMur3
- H21
: PSContext
- H22
: PSContext
- H261_CIF
: H261EncContext
- H261_QCIF
: H261EncContext
- h263_aic
: MpegEncContext
- h263_aic_dir
: MpegEncContext
- h263_flv
: MpegEncContext
- h263_h_loop_filter
: H263DSPContext
- h263_long_vectors
: MpegEncContext
- h263_plus
: MpegEncContext
- h263_pred
: MpegEncContext
- h263_slice_structured
: MpegEncContext
- h263_v_loop_filter
: H263DSPContext
- h263dsp
: MpegEncContext
- h264
: DTS2PTSContext
, H264SliceContext
, VDPAUPictureInfo
- h2645_nalu_list
: BlockContext
- h2645_pkt
: ExtractExtradataContext
- h264_add_pixels4_clear
: H264DSPContext
- h264_add_pixels8_clear
: H264DSPContext
- h264_avctx
: IMM5Context
- h264_chroma_dc_dequant_idct
: H264DSPContext
- h264_h_loop_filter_chroma
: H264DSPContext
- h264_h_loop_filter_chroma_intra
: H264DSPContext
- h264_h_loop_filter_chroma_mbaff
: H264DSPContext
- h264_h_loop_filter_chroma_mbaff_intra
: H264DSPContext
- h264_h_loop_filter_luma
: H264DSPContext
- h264_h_loop_filter_luma_intra
: H264DSPContext
- h264_h_loop_filter_luma_mbaff
: H264DSPContext
- h264_h_loop_filter_luma_mbaff_intra
: H264DSPContext
- h264_idct8_add
: H264DSPContext
- h264_idct8_add4
: H264DSPContext
- h264_idct8_dc_add
: H264DSPContext
- h264_idct_add
: H264DSPContext
- h264_idct_add16
: H264DSPContext
- h264_idct_add16intra
: H264DSPContext
- h264_idct_add8
: H264DSPContext
- h264_idct_dc_add
: H264DSPContext
- h264_loop_filter_strength
: H264DSPContext
- h264_luma_dc_dequant_idct
: H264DSPContext
- h264_pic_info
: H264VulkanDecodePicture
- h264_profile
: FFVulkanDecodeProfileData
- h264_ref
: H264VulkanDecodePicture
- h264_refs
: H264VulkanDecodePicture
- h264_v_loop_filter_chroma
: H264DSPContext
- h264_v_loop_filter_chroma_intra
: H264DSPContext
- h264_v_loop_filter_luma
: H264DSPContext
- h264_v_loop_filter_luma_intra
: H264DSPContext
- h264chroma
: AVSContext
, H264Context
, MpegEncContext
, VC1Context
, VP56Context
- h264dsp
: H264Context
, H264ParseContext
, SVQ3Context
- h264pic
: H264VulkanDecodePicture
- h264qpel
: H264Context
, SnowContext
- h265_pic_info
: HEVCVulkanDecodePicture
- h265_profile
: FFVulkanDecodeProfileData
- h265_ref
: HEVCVulkanDecodePicture
- h265_refs
: HEVCVulkanDecodePicture
- h265pic
: HEVCVulkanDecodePicture
- h274
: AVFilmGrainParams
- h274db
: H264Context
, HEVCContext
- h2f_tables
: EXRContext
, PNMContext
, SwsContext
- h_buf
: ShowCQTContext
- h_chr_sub_sample
: SwsSlice
- h_chroma_sub_sample
: MXFStreamContext
- h_count
: MJpegDecodeContext
- h_edge_pos
: MpegEncContext
, SVQ3Context
- h_expr
: CropContext
, CUDAScaleContext
, DelogoContext
, DrawBoxContext
, LibplaceboContext
, NPPScaleContext
, PadContext
, PadOpenCLContext
, ScaleContext
, ScaleVAAPIContext
, ScaleVtContext
, ScaleVulkanContext
, ZScaleContext
- h_flip
: V360Context
- h_fov
: V360Context
- h_ipos
: ScrollContext
- h_loop_filter
: IntraX8DSPContext
, VP3DSPContext
- h_loop_filter_unaligned
: VP3DSPContext
- h_max
: MJpegDecodeContext
- h_offset
: V360Context
- h_pexpr
: DelogoContext
, NPPScaleContext
, ScaleContext
- h_pos
: ScrollContext
- h_scount
: MJpegDecodeContext
- h_shift_dst
: PrivData
- h_shift_src
: PrivData
- h_speed
: ScrollContext
- haar_coder
: MSS3Context
- had_submission
: FFVkExecContext
- hadamard8_diff
: MECmpContext
- hadamard_tmp
: CeltPVQ
- hadd
: MedianContext
- half
: HSVKeyContext
, MaskedMergeContext
, NNEDIContext
, PNMContext
, PreMultiplyContext
- half_life
: IDETContext
- half_mask_bbox
: RemovelogoContext
- half_mask_data
: RemovelogoContext
- halfpel_flag
: SVQ3Context
- halfpq
: VC1Context
- halfscale
: UnsharpFilterParam
- ham
: IffContext
, IffDemuxContext
- ham_buf
: IffContext
- ham_palbuf
: IffContext
- handbrake_version
: MOVContext
- handle
: AACContext
, FDKAACDecContext
, OMXCodecContext
, pthread_t
, QSVDeviceContext
- handle_pair
: QSVMid
- handle_pairs_internal
: QSVFramesContext
- handle_type
: QSVDeviceContext
- handler
: AVIStream
, RTPDemuxContext
- handler_ret
: TeletextContext
- handles
: LADSPAContext
- handshake_step
: HTTPContext
- handshaked
: RTMPEContext
- hang_count
: AMRContext
- hann
: ATempoContext
- hard_threshold
: BM3DContext
- harmonic_mem
: G723_1_ChannelContext
- harris_buf
: DeshakeOpenCLContext
- harris_response_time
: DeshakeOpenCLContext
- has_afd
: Mpeg1Context
- has_alpha
: BinkContext
, IlContext
, VP56Context
, WebPContext
- has_alpha_channel
: VPxDecoderContext
- has_audio
: DVMuxContext
, OutputStream
, RTMPContext
, SIFFContext
, SmoothStreamingContext
, ThpDemuxContext
- has_b_frames
: AVCodecContext
, IVI45DecContext
, VTEncContext
- has_band_ext
: ATRAC9BlockData
- has_band_ext_data
: ATRAC9BlockData
- has_cc
: DVDVideoVTSVideoStreamEntry
- has_center
: AC3EncodeContext
- has_coeffs
: TransformBlock
- has_complete_frame
: MXpegDecodeContext
- has_computed_clut
: DVBSubRegion
- has_cond
: FrameProgress
- has_cue
: mkv_track
- has_default_key
: HLSContext
- has_disposable
: MOVTrack
- has_dmvr
- has_drm
: VulkanDeviceSelection
- has_end
: ReadInterval
- has_errors
: QDM2Context
- has_exif
: WebPContext
- has_extradata
: XMVVideoPacket
- has_get_i_o_buffer
: FFAMediaCodecJni
- has_global_palette
: GifState
- has_iccp
: WebPContext
- has_keyframes
: MOVTrack
- has_lock
: FrameProgress
- has_looked_for_mfra
: MOVContext
- has_luminance
: AVMasteringDisplayMetadata
- has_nested_elems
: CompactContext
- has_noheader_flag
: playlist
- has_pal
: AVIStream
- has_palette
: BVID_DemuxContext
, DVDSubContext
, IPMVEContext
, MatroskaTrack
, MOVStreamContext
- has_passthrough
: VPPContext
- has_pkt
: RALFContext
- has_ppm
: Jpeg2000DecoderContext
- has_ppt
: Jpeg2000Tile
- has_primaries
: AVMasteringDisplayMetadata
- has_recovery_point
: H264Context
- has_residual_lsps
: WMAVoiceContext
- has_saved
: APMState
- has_shm
: XCBGrabContext
- has_sidx
: MOVStreamContext
- has_slice
: H264Context
- has_sound
: DXAContext
- has_start
: ReadInterval
- has_start_point
: Atrac3pWaveEnvelope
- has_status
: ADPCMDecodeContext
- has_stereo3d
: Mpeg1Context
- has_stop_point
: Atrac3pWaveEnvelope
- has_subtitle
: VariantStream
- has_surround
: AC3EncodeContext
- has_sync_buffer_func
: VAAPIEncodeContext
- has_transp
: IVI45DecContext
- has_trns
: PNGDecContext
- has_uuid
: VulkanDeviceSelection
- has_variable_bitrate
: MP3Context
- has_video
: DASHContext
, DVMuxContext
, OutputStream
, RTMPContext
, SIFFContext
, SmoothStreamingContext
, VariantStream
- has_video_m3u8
: HLSContext
- has_watermark
: SVQ3Context
- hash
, ePICContext
, SAPState
, XeveContext
- hash_name
: HashContext
- hash_prefix
: Code
- hash_shift
: lag_rac
- hash_type
: H265RawSEIDecodedPictureHash
- hashes
: HashContext
- hashlen
- have_alpha
: DrawBoxContext
, FFJXLMetadata
- have_audio_dec
: Demuxer
- have_chrm
: PNGDecContext
- have_cicp
: PNGDecContext
- have_clli
: PNGDecContext
- have_code
: ChContext
- have_coeffs
: AudioFIRContext
- have_end
: GIFContext
- have_hrirs
: HeadphoneContext
- have_icc_profile
: FFJXLMetadata
- have_limiting
: SyncQueue
- have_mdcv
: PNGDecContext
- have_next
: FFFrameSyncIn
- have_read_mfra_size
: MOVContext
- have_saved
: vorbis_enc_context
- have_sign
: SplitCodebookParams
- have_sources
: FilterGraphPriv
- have_srgb
: PNGDecContext
- have_sse
: AOMEncoderContext
, FrameListData
, VPxEncoderContext
- have_sub2video
: DemuxStream
- have_subframe_gain
: SpeexSubmode
- have_timecodes
: FFJXLMetadata
- have_undamaged_frame
: VP56Context
- have_video
: MatroskaMuxContext
- haystack_frame
: FOCContext
- hb_data
: TextLine
- hb_gain
: AMRWBSubFrame
- hblock
: MSS3Context
- hbmp
: gdigrab
- hChrFilter
: SwsContext
- hChrFilterPos
: SwsContext
- hChrFilterSize
: SwsContext
- hChromaSubSample
: PPContext
- hclr
: MovTextContext
- hcoeff
: Plane
- hcScale
: SwsContext
- hcscale_fast
: SwsContext
- hd
: AptXContext
, CryptoContext
, GopherContext
, HTTPContext
, IcecastContext
- hd_buf
: IEC61937Context
- hd_buf_count
: IEC61937Context
- hd_buf_filled
: IEC61937Context
- hd_buf_idx
: IEC61937Context
- hd_buf_size
: IEC61937Context
- hd_stream_id
: DCAExssAsset
, DCAXllDecoder
- hdata
: PlaneContext
- hdata_in
: ThreadData
- hdata_out
: PlaneContext
, ThreadData
- hdcd_detected
: hdcd_detection_data
- hdcd_master
: DCACoreFrameHeader
- hdl
: SndioData
- hdr
: ASFContext
, SCDDemuxContext
, TrueHDCoreContext
, XWDParseContext
- hdr10_plus
: FrameData
- hdr_cll
: AV1RawMetadata
- hdr_mdcv
: AV1RawMetadata
- hdr_size
: PayloadContext
- hdr_state
: PNGDecContext
- hdsp
: HYuvDecContext
, Indeo3DecodeContext
, IpvideoContext
, MimicContext
, MJpegDecodeContext
, MpegEncContext
, SnowContext
, SVQ1Context
, SVQ1EncContext
, SVQ3Context
, Vp3DecodeContext
, VP56Context
- he
: EXRThreadData
, MagicYUVContext
- head
: ATempoContext
, CodingUnit
, ExtraMetaList
, FFBufQueue
, PacketList
, PullupContext
, Queue
- head_filepositions
: FLVContext
- head_finished_stream
: SyncQueue
- head_stream
: SyncQueue
- head_ts
: SyncQueueStream
- header
: ArgoCVGDemuxContext
, AV1RawFrame
, AVDOVIMetadataInternal
, BlurayPCMEncContext
, CDXLDemuxContext
, DOVIContext
, FILMOutputContext
, H264RawSlice
, H265RawSlice
, H266RawSlice
, JPEGRawScan
, LAFContext
, LibSpeexEncContext
, MPEG2RawSlice
, MpegAudioParseContext
, NUTContext
, ogg_codec
, ogg_stream
, OGGStreamContext
, PCMDVDContext
, PESContext
, SBCParseContext
, ShortenContext
, USMDemuxContext
, VP8RawFrame
, VP9RawFrame
, WtvFile
, WTVRootEntryTable
, WVContext
- header_bits
: MpegEncContext
, RateControlEntry
- header_byte_count
: MXFPartition
- header_bytes_needed
: DiracParseContext
- header_count
: MpegAudioParseContext
, NUTContext
- header_filename
: SegmentContext
, WebMChunkContext
- header_filesize
: MP3DecContext
- header_idx
: FrameCode
- header_info
: IEC61937Context
- header_insertion_mode
: AmfContext
- header_len
: LAFContext
, NUTContext
, OGGStreamContext
- header_length
: AudioFrame
- header_offset
: AVDOVIMetadata
- header_packet_id
: MMSTContext
- header_parsed
: ADXContext
, MMSContext
- header_partition_size
: VP8Context
- header_period
: AACContext
- header_pos
: MPCContext
- header_ref
: AV1DecContext
, AV1Frame
- header_size
: AACAC3ParseContext
, ADXDemuxerContext
, ADXParseContext
, ALPHeader
, atom_t
, frame_header
, gdigrab
, H266RawSlice
, MLPHeaderInfo
, SBCParseContext
, SCDHeader
, ShortenContext
, SoXContext
, USMDemuxContext
, WTVRootEntryTable
- header_size_in_bytes
: VP9RawFrameHeader
- header_spacing
: AmfContext
- header_state
: MpegDemuxContext
, SnowContext
- header_tpg
: Jpeg2000TilePart
- header_type
: frame_header
- header_written
: FifoThreadContext
, Muxer
, MXFContext
, SegmentContext
, TeeSlave
, WebMChunkContext
- headerlength
: APEContext
- headers
: FLACParseContext
, HLSContext
, HTTPContext
, ogg
- headers_read
: MOVFragmentIndexItem
- headerset
: DAVS2Context
- headphones_rendering_mode
: AVIAMFSubmixElement
- heatmap_str
: SSIM360Context
- heatmaps
: SSIM360Context
- heif_grid
: MOVContext
- heif_item
: MOVContext
- height
: AmplifyContext
, AndroidCameraCtx
, APNGFctlChunk
, ArgoBVIDHeader
, ArgoMASKHeader
, AVBufferSrcParameters
, AVCodecContext
, AVCodecParameters
, AVCodecParserContext
, AVDeviceRect
, AVDiracSeqHeader
, AVDVProfile
, AVFContext
, AVFilmGrainParams
, AVFrame
, AVHWFramesContext
, AVMotionEstContext
, AVPanScan
, avs_format
, AVSContext
, AVStreamGroupTileGrid
, AVVideoRect
, BinDemuxContext
, Block
, BVID_DemuxContext
, CamStudioContext
, Cell
, ChromaShiftContext
, CIDEntry
, CinepakContext
, CmvContext
, ConstBufferData
, CoverContext
, CuvidContext
, dc1394_frame_format
, DdagrabContext
, DHAVContext
, DiracContext
, DisplaceContext
, DistortionCorrectionThreadData
, DNXHDContext
, dshow_format_info
, DVBSubDisplayDefinition
, DVBSubRegion
, DVDVideoVTSVideoStreamEntry
, DWTContext
, DWTPlane
, FBDevContext
, FFFramePool
, FFJXLMetadata
, FFV1Context
, Frame
, frame_header
, FramePool
, FrameRateContext
, FreezeDetectContext
, G2MContext
, gdigrab
, GuidedContext
, H264Context
, HEIFItem
, HEVCContext
, Hnm4VideoContext
, HQProfile
, HQXContext
, HysteresisContext
, IcoImage
, IFVContext
, ImageInfo
, Indeo3DecodeContext
, InputFilterPriv
, IVIBandDesc
, IVIPlaneDesc
, IVITile
, Jpeg2000DecoderContext
, Jpeg2000EncoderContext
, KMSGrabContext
, LibRSVGContext
, LimiterContext
, LUT2Context
, MaskedClampContext
, MaskedMergeContext
, matrix
, MediaCodecDecContext
, MediaCodecEncContext
, MidEqualizerContext
, Minima
, MixContext
, MJpegDecodeContext
, MOVStreamContext
, MOVTrack
, MpegEncContext
, MpvParseContext
, MXFDescriptor
, NegateContext
, NoiseContext
, NPPScaleStageContext
, NPPTransposeStageContext
, NuvContext
, NvencSurface
, OpenGLContext
, OscilloscopeContext
, OutputFilterPriv
, PAFVideoDecContext
, PayloadContext
, PerspectiveContext
, PicContext
, PixHeader
, Plane
, plane_info
, PNGDecContext
, PreMultiplyContext
, ProgramOpenCLContext
, PSDContext
, PseudoColorContext
, RawVideoDemuxerContext
, RoqContext
, RoqDemuxContext
, SANMFrameHeader
, SANMVideoContext
, SCDetContext
, SelectContext
, SERDemuxerContext
, ShowCQTContext
, SiTiContext
, SliceInfo
, StackItem
, StackItemRegion
, Stereo3DContext
, StereoComponent
, SubBand
, SVQ1Context
, TDSCContext
, test
, TextMetrics
, TextureDSPThreadContext
, TgqContext
, TgvContext
, TheadData
, ThreadData
, ThresholdContext
, TiffContext
, TiffEncoderContext
, Track
, TransformUnit
, TsccContext
, TtyDemuxContext
, UltimotionDecodeContext
, USMChannel
, V360Context
, V4L2Context
, VC2BaseVideoFormat
, VDPAUContext
, video_data
, VideoData
, VideoDemuxData
, VideoProperties
, VideoSizeAbbr
, VideoState
, VIFContext
, VignettingThreadData
, VMAFMotionData
, VmncContext
, Vp3DecodeContext
, VP8RawFrameHeader
, VqaContext
, VVCFrameContext
, Wc3DemuxContext
, WebPContext
, XCBGrabContext
, XMedianContext
, ZmbvContext
- height32
- height64
- height_align
: QSVEncContext
- height_from_caller
: H264Context
- height_in_sbs
: ResidualCoding
- height_in_sbs_minus1
: AV1VulkanDecodePicture
- height_in_sbs_minus_1
: AV1RawFrameHeader
, VAAPIEncodeAV1Context
- heightx
: LUT2Context
- heighty
: LUT2Context
- help
: APERangecoder
, AVOption
, OptionDef
- hencdsp
: HYuvEncContext
- hertz
: AudioPulsatorContext
- hevc_avctx
: IMM5Context
- hevc_h_loop_filter_chroma
: HEVCDSPContext
- hevc_h_loop_filter_chroma_c
: HEVCDSPContext
- hevc_h_loop_filter_luma
: HEVCDSPContext
- hevc_h_loop_filter_luma_c
: HEVCDSPContext
- hevc_headers
: FFVulkanDecodeContext
- hevc_headers_size
: FFVulkanDecodeContext
- hevc_v_loop_filter_chroma
: HEVCDSPContext
- hevc_v_loop_filter_chroma_c
: HEVCDSPContext
- hevc_v_loop_filter_luma
: HEVCDSPContext
- hevc_v_loop_filter_luma_c
: HEVCDSPContext
- hevc_vps
: QSVEncContext
- hevcdsp
: HEVCContext
- HEVClc
: HEVCContext
- HEVClcList
: HEVCContext
- hf_apply_noise
: SBRDSPContext
- hf_g_filt
: SBRDSPContext
- hf_gen
: SBRDSPContext
- hflip
: H2645SEIDisplayOrientation
, VPPContext
- hfr_group_count
: HCAContext
- hfr_scale
: ChannelContext
- hgain_vlc
: WMACodecContext
- hh
: AudioVectorScopeContext
, GXFTimecode
- hhighsize
: VagueDenoiserContext
- hi
: DecimateContext
, IMM4Context
- hi_pixel_mask
: Super2xSaIContext
- hier_chset
: DCAXllChSet
- hier_ofs
: DCAXllChSet
- hierarchical
: FlatContext
, INIContext
- high
: ACoder
, ArithCoder
, AT1Ctx
, BLRContext
, CropDetectContext
, EdgeDetectContext
, MaskFunContext
, MonochromeContext
, vorbis_floor1_entry
, VPXRangeCoder
- high_band_coded
: WMACodecContext
- high_band_start
: WMACodecContext
- high_band_values
: WMACodecContext
- high_bitdepth
: AV1RawColorConfig
- high_cr
: AV1LevelDescriptor
- high_mbps
: AV1LevelDescriptor
- high_pass_mem
: AMRContext
- high_precision_offsets_enabled_flag
: H265RawSPS
- high_res_scf
: DCALbrDecoder
- high_throughput
: H265ProfileDescriptor
- high_u8
: BLRContext
, CropDetectContext
, EdgeDetectContext
- highbitdepth
: NvencContext
- highcut
: AudioSurroundContext
- highcutf
: AudioSurroundContext
- highest_decoded_channel
: ALSDecContext
- highest_poc
: DTS2PTSH264Context
- highest_pred_order
: DCAXllBand
- highlights
: Range
- highpass_enabled
: DecoderState
- highpass_filt_mem
: SiprContext
- highprecisionmvs
: VP9BitstreamHeader
- highquality
: DiracContext
- hint
: FieldHintContext
- hint_file_str
: FieldHintContext
- hint_track
: MOVTrack
- hist1
- hist2
- hist_value
: ResidualCoding
- histogram
: DeclickChannel
, DeflickerContext
, EntropyContext
, HistogramContext
, integrator
, MidEqualizerContext
, PaletteGenContext
, ReplayGainContext
, ScanItem
, thumb_frame
, TMidEqualizerContext
, VolDetectContext
- histogram_h
: AudioHistogramContext
- histogram_size
: DeclickChannel
, HistogramContext
, MidEqualizerContext
, TMidEqualizerContext
- history
: DBEDecodeContext
, DCAEncContext
, DCALbrDecoder
, DenoiseState
, DssSpContext
, IDETContext
, NormalizeHistory
, OSQChannel
, PhotosensitivityContext
, QOAChannel
, ShowWavesContext
, SimbiosisIMXContext
- history_index
: ShowWavesContext
- history_len
: NormalizeContext
- history_mem
: NormalizeContext
- history_mult
: RiceContext
- history_nb_samples
: ShowWavesContext
- history_nsamples
: WMAVoiceContext
- history_pos
: PhotosensitivityContext
- history_sum
: NormalizeHistory
- historybuffer
: APEFilter
, APEPredictor64
, APEPredictor
- histsat
: SignalstatsContext
- histu
: SignalstatsContext
- histv
: SignalstatsContext
- histy
: SignalstatsContext
- hlimit
: AmplifyContext
- hlit
: MovTextContext
- hlit_color
: HilightcolorBox
- hlit_end
: HighlightBox
- hlit_start
: HighlightBox
- hlowsize
: VagueDenoiserContext
- hls_delete_threshold
: HLSContext
- hls_master_name
: DASHContext
- hls_playlist
: DASHContext
- hLumFilter
: SwsContext
- hLumFilterPos
: SwsContext
- hLumFilterSize
: SwsContext
- hmac
: SRTPContext
- hmm
: ASRContext
- hmode
: AudioHistogramContext
- hmuladd
: MedianContext
- hmv1
: H263State
- hmv2
: H263State
- hmvp
: EntryPoint
- hmvp_ibc
: EntryPoint
- hold
: TiltandshiftContext
- holding_one
: WavPackWords
- holding_zero
: WavPackWords
- hooks
: LibplaceboContext
- hop_index
: ShowCWTContext
- hop_size
: AFFTFiltContext
, AudioDeclickContext
, AudioSpectralStatsContext
, AudioSurroundContext
, ShowCWTContext
, ShowFreqsContext
, ShowSpatialContext
, ShowSpectrumContext
, SpectrumSynthContext
- hor_flip
: H264RawSEIDisplayOrientation
, H265RawSEIDisplayOrientation
- horiz_filter
: CFHDDSPContext
, CFHDEncDSPContext
- horiz_filter_clip
: CFHDDSPContext
- horiz_kernel
: NLMeansOpenCLContext
- horiz_slice
: GBlurContext
- horiz_subsampling
: MXFDescriptor
- horizontal
: AVStreamGroupTileGrid
, StreamParams
- horizontal_bs
: HEVCContext
, VVCFrameContext
- horizontal_compose
: DWTContext
- horizontal_compose97i
: SnowDWTContext
- horizontal_offset
: AVStreamGroupTileGrid
- horizontal_p
: VVCFrameContext
- horizontal_q
: VVCFrameContext
- horizontal_scale
: VP8RawFrameHeader
- horizontal_size
: CodedBitstreamMPEG2Context
- horizontal_size_extension
: MPEG2RawSequenceExtension
- horizontal_size_value
: MPEG2RawSequenceHeader
- host
: MMSTContext
, RTMP_HTTPContext
, TLSShared
, URLComponents
- host_init
: OMXContext
- hostname
: FTPContext
, RTPDemuxContext
- hours
: H264SEITimeCode
- hours_flag
: AV1RawMetadataTimecode
, H264RawSEIPicTimestamp
, H265RawSEITimeCode
- hours_value
: AV1RawMetadataTimecode
, H264RawSEIPicTimestamp
, H265RawSEITimeCode
- hp
: AudioCrossoverContext
, AudioFWTDNContext
, ChannelParams
, ProbContext
, VP9TileData
- hpc
: H264Context
, HEVCContext
, SVQ3Context
, VP8Context
- hpel
: DiracFrame
- hpel_avg
: MotionEstContext
- hpel_base
: DiracFrame
- hpel_if_idx
: MotionInfo
, MvField
- hpel_put
: MotionEstContext
- hpf_31_mem
: AMRWBContext
- hpf_400_mem
: AMRWBContext
- hpf_f
: G729ChannelContext
- hpf_fir_mem
: G723_1_ChannelContext
- hpf_iir_mem
: G723_1_ChannelContext
- hpf_z
: G729ChannelContext
- hpimemx
: ILBCContext
- hpimemy
: ILBCContext
- hpps
: HEVCHeaderSet
- hprops
: FFVulkanContext
, VulkanDevicePriv
- hpt
: MotionPixelsContext
- hq_picture
: DiracContext
- hqhqadsp
: HQContext
- hqxdsp
: HQXContext
- hrd
: VAAPIEncodeRCMode
- hrd_cpb_cnt_minus1
: H266RawGeneralTimingHrdParameters
- hrd_layer_set_idx
: H265RawVPS
- hrd_num_leaky_buckets
: VC1Context
- hrd_param_flag
: VC1Context
- hrd_parameters
: H265RawVPS
, H265RawVUI
, VUIParameters
- hrd_params
: VAAPIEncodeContext
- hrdft
: FFTFILTContext
: MFFunctions
- hrir_fmt
: HeadphoneContext
- hrir_in
: HeadphoneContext
- hrir_map
: HeadphoneContext
- hrtf
: MySofa
- hsample
: LJpegEncContext
- hscale
: TrueMotion2RTContext
- hscroll
: CDGraphicsContext
- hshift
, MagicYUVContext
, WMV2Context
- hsps
: HEVCHeaderSet
- hsub
: BlendContext
, BLKContext
, BLRContext
, BoxBlurContext
, CodecViewContext
, ColorMatrixContext
, CropContext
, DecimateContext
, DrawBoxContext
, FadeContext
, FeedbackContext
, FFDrawContext
, FieldMatchContext
, FSPPContext
, GEQContext
, HQDN3DContext
, HueContext
, LutContext
, MedianContext
, MPTestContext
, OverlayContext
, OWDenoiseContext
, PadOpenCLContext
, PerspectiveContext
, PP7Context
, RotContext
, SabContext
, ScaleContext
, ShearContext
, SignalstatsContext
, SmartblurContext
, SPPContext
, Stereo3DContext
, ThreadData
, TransContext
, UnsharpContext
, USPPContext
, VectorscopeContext
- hsub_log2
: BackgroundkeyContext
, ChromakeyContext
, HSVKeyContext
- hsub_max
: FFDrawContext
- ht_prev_data
: G729ChannelContext
- htaps
: Plane
- hthreshold
: VectorscopeContext
- http_code
: HTTPContext
- http_delete
: DASHContext
, HLSContext
- http_method
: WebMChunkContext
- http_multiple
: HLSContext
- http_opts
: DASHContext
- http_persistent
: DASHContext
, HLSContext
- http_proxy
: HTTPContext
, TLSShared
- http_seekable
: HLSContext
- http_version
: HTTPContext
- htx_fn
: FFTFILTContext
- hue
: ColorizeContext
, HSVKeyContext
, HueContext
, HueSaturationContext
, LibplaceboContext
, ProcampVAAPIContext
, VPPContext
- hue_cos
: HueContext
- hue_deg
: HueContext
- hue_deg_expr
: HueContext
- hue_deg_pexpr
: HueContext
- hue_expr
: HueContext
- hue_opt
: HSVKeyContext
- hue_pexpr
: HueContext
- hue_sin
: HueContext
- huff_buffer
: MJpegContext
- huff_code_ac_chrominance
: MJpegContext
- huff_code_ac_luminance
: MJpegContext
- huff_code_dc_chrominance
: LJpegEncContext
, MJpegContext
- huff_code_dc_luminance
: LJpegEncContext
, MJpegContext
- huff_lsbs
: ChannelParams
- huff_ncode
: MJpegContext
- huff_nodes
: IdcinContext
- huff_offset
: ChannelParams
- huff_size_ac_chrominance
: MJpegContext
- huff_size_ac_luminance
: MJpegContext
- huff_size_dc_chrominance
: LJpegEncContext
, MJpegContext
- huff_size_dc_luminance
: LJpegEncContext
, MJpegContext
- huffbits
: CoefVLCTable
- huffcodes
: CoefVLCTable
- huffman
: MJpegContext
, VAAPIEncodeMJPEGContext
- huffman_groups
: ImageContext
- huffman_table
: Vp3DecodeContext
- huffman_tables
: VAAPIEncodeMJPEGContext
- hvps
: HEVCHeaderSet
- hw
: AudioVectorScopeContext
, ChannelParams
- hw_buffer_count
: MediaCodecDecContext
- hw_configs
: FFCodec
- hw_device_ctx
: AmfContext
, AVCodecContext
, AVFilterContext
, OverlayCUDAContext
- hw_device_ref
: NVDECDecoder
- hw_frame
: QSVMid
- hw_frames_ctx
: AmfContext
, AVBufferSrcParameters
, AVCodecContext
, AVFilterLink
, AVFrame
, BufferSourceContext
, HWMapDescriptor
, InputFilterPriv
, QSVFramesContext
, ThumbnailCudaContext
, VTHWFrame
- hw_frames_ref
: QSVMid
- hw_high_motion_quality_boost
: AmfContext
- hw_type
: FFHWDeviceContext
, FFHWFramesContext
- hwaccel
: AVCodecContext
, AVCodecHWConfigInternal
- hwaccel_context
: AVCodecContext
- hwaccel_device
: DecoderOpts
- hwaccel_device_type
: DecoderOpts
, DecoderPriv
- hwaccel_devices
: OptionsContext
- hwaccel_flags
: AVCodecContext
- hwaccel_id
: DecoderOpts
, DecoderPriv
- hwaccel_mutex
: FrameThreadContext
- hwaccel_output_format
: DecoderOpts
, DecoderPriv
- hwaccel_output_formats
: OptionsContext
- hwaccel_picture_private
: AV1Frame
, H264Picture
, HEVCFrame
, MJpegDecodeContext
, Picture
, VP8Frame
, VP9Frame
- hwaccel_pix_fmt
: DecoderPriv
, MJpegDecodeContext
- hwaccel_priv
: FrameDecodeData
- hwaccel_priv_data
: AVCodecInternal
- hwaccel_priv_free
: FrameDecodeData
- hwaccel_serializing
: PerThreadContext
- hwaccel_sw_pix_fmt
: MJpegDecodeContext
- hwaccel_threadsafe
: PerThreadContext
- hwaccels
: OptionsContext
- hwctx
: AVHWDeviceContext
, AVHWFramesContext
, ChromakeyCUDAContext
, CUDABilateralContext
, CUDAColorspaceContext
, CUDAScaleContext
, DeintCUDAContext
, FFVulkanContext
, KMSGrabContext
, OpenCLFilterContext
, OverlayCUDAContext
, StackBaseContext
, ThumbnailCudaContext
, VAAPIDecodeContext
, VAAPIEncodeContext
- hwdevice
: CudaUploadContext
, CuvidContext
- hwdevice_ref
: HWUploadContext
- hwfc
: FFVulkanContext
, VAAPIDecodeContext
- hwframe
: CudaUploadContext
, CuvidContext
- hwframes
: HWDownloadContext
, HWUploadContext
- hwframes_ref
: HWDownloadContext
, HWMapContext
, HWUploadContext
- hwnd
: gdigrab
, vfw_ctx
- hwpos
: SndioData
- hwsurfaces_in_queue
: AmfContext
- hwsurfaces_in_queue_max
: AmfContext
- hybrid
: WavpackFrameContext
- hybrid_analysis
: PSDSPContext
- hybrid_analysis_ileave
: PSDSPContext
- hybrid_bitrate
: WavpackFrameContext
- hybrid_maxclip
: WavpackFrameContext
- hybrid_minclip
: WavpackFrameContext
- hybrid_synthesis_deint
: PSDSPContext
- hyScale
: SwsContext
- hyscale_fast
: SwsContext
- hysteresis
: HysteresisContext