Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Filters implementation helper functions
3  *
4  * This file is part of FFmpeg.
5  *
6  * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
8  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17  * along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
19  */
24 /**
25  * Filters implementation helper functions and internal structures
26  */
28 #include "avfilter.h"
30 /**
31  * Special return code when activate() did not do anything.
32  */
33 #define FFERROR_NOT_READY FFERRTAG('N','R','D','Y')
35 /**
36  * A filter pad used for either input or output.
37  */
38 struct AVFilterPad {
39  /**
40  * Pad name. The name is unique among inputs and among outputs, but an
41  * input may have the same name as an output. This may be NULL if this
42  * pad has no need to ever be referenced by name.
43  */
44  const char *name;
46  /**
47  * AVFilterPad type.
48  */
51  /**
52  * The filter expects writable frames from its input link,
53  * duplicating data buffers if needed.
54  *
55  * input pads only.
56  */
59  /**
60  * The pad's name is allocated and should be freed generically.
61  */
62 #define AVFILTERPAD_FLAG_FREE_NAME (1 << 1)
64  /**
65  * A combination of AVFILTERPAD_FLAG_* flags.
66  */
67  int flags;
69  /**
70  * Callback functions to get a video/audio buffers. If NULL,
71  * the filter system will use ff_default_get_video_buffer() for video
72  * and ff_default_get_audio_buffer() for audio.
73  *
74  * The state of the union is determined by type.
75  *
76  * Input pads only.
77  */
78  union {
79  AVFrame *(*video)(AVFilterLink *link, int w, int h);
80  AVFrame *(*audio)(AVFilterLink *link, int nb_samples);
81  } get_buffer;
83  /**
84  * Filtering callback. This is where a filter receives a frame with
85  * audio/video data and should do its processing.
86  *
87  * Input pads only.
88  *
89  * @return >= 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on error. This function
90  * must ensure that frame is properly unreferenced on error if it
91  * hasn't been passed on to another filter.
92  */
95  /**
96  * Frame request callback. A call to this should result in some progress
97  * towards producing output over the given link. This should return zero
98  * on success, and another value on error.
99  *
100  * Output pads only.
101  */
104  /**
105  * Link configuration callback.
106  *
107  * For output pads, this should set the link properties such as
108  * width/height. This should NOT set the format property - that is
109  * negotiated between filters by the filter system using the
110  * query_formats() callback before this function is called.
111  *
112  * For input pads, this should check the properties of the link, and update
113  * the filter's internal state as necessary.
114  *
115  * For both input and output filters, this should return zero on success,
116  * and another value on error.
117  */
119 };
121 /**
122  * Link properties exposed to filter code, but not external callers.
123  *
124  * Cf. AVFilterLink for public properties, FilterLinkInternal for
125  * properties private to the generic layer.
126  */
127 typedef struct FilterLink {
130  /**
131  * Graph the filter belongs to.
132  */
135  /**
136  * Current timestamp of the link, as defined by the most recent
137  * frame(s), in link time_base units.
138  */
141  /**
142  * Current timestamp of the link, as defined by the most recent
143  * frame(s), in AV_TIME_BASE units.
144  */
147  /**
148  * Minimum number of samples to filter at once.
149  *
150  * May be set by the link destination filter in its config_props().
151  * If 0, all related fields are ignored.
152  */
155  /**
156  * Maximum number of samples to filter at once. If filter_frame() is
157  * called with more samples, it will split them.
158  *
159  * May be set by the link destination filter in its config_props().
160  */
163  /**
164  * Number of past frames sent through the link.
165  */
168  /**
169  * Number of past samples sent through the link.
170  */
173  /**
174  * Frame rate of the stream on the link, or 1/0 if unknown or variable.
175  *
176  * May be set by the link source filter in its config_props(); if left to
177  * 0/0, will be automatically copied from the first input of the source
178  * filter if it exists.
179  *
180  * Sources should set it to the best estimation of the real frame rate.
181  * If the source frame rate is unknown or variable, set this to 1/0.
182  * Filters should update it if necessary depending on their function.
183  * Sinks can use it to set a default output frame rate.
184  * It is similar to the r_frame_rate field in AVStream.
185  */
188  /**
189  * For hwaccel pixel formats, this should be a reference to the
190  * AVHWFramesContext describing the frames.
191  *
192  * May be set by the link source filter in its config_props().
193  */
195 } FilterLink;
198 {
199  return (FilterLink*)link;
200 }
202 /**
203  * The filter is aware of hardware frames, and any hardware frame context
204  * should not be automatically propagated through it.
205  */
206 #define FF_FILTER_FLAG_HWFRAME_AWARE (1 << 0)
208 /**
209  * Find the index of a link.
210  *
211  * I.e. find i such that link == ctx->(in|out)puts[i]
212  */
213 #define FF_INLINK_IDX(link) ((int)((link)->dstpad - (link)->dst->input_pads))
214 #define FF_OUTLINK_IDX(link) ((int)((link)->srcpad - (link)->src->output_pads))
217  /**
218  * The default value meaning that this filter supports all formats
219  * and (for audio) sample rates and channel layouts/counts as long
220  * as these properties agree for all inputs and outputs.
221  * This state is only allowed in case all inputs and outputs actually
222  * have the same type.
223  * The union is unused in this state.
224  *
225  * This value must always be zero (for default static initialization).
226  */
228  FF_FILTER_FORMATS_QUERY_FUNC, ///< formats.query active.
229  FF_FILTER_FORMATS_QUERY_FUNC2, ///< formats.query_func2 active.
230  FF_FILTER_FORMATS_PIXFMT_LIST, ///< formats.pixels_list active.
231  FF_FILTER_FORMATS_SAMPLEFMTS_LIST, ///< formats.samples_list active.
232  FF_FILTER_FORMATS_SINGLE_PIXFMT, ///< formats.pix_fmt active
233  FF_FILTER_FORMATS_SINGLE_SAMPLEFMT, ///< formats.sample_fmt active.
234 };
236 #define FILTER_QUERY_FUNC(func) \
237  .formats.query_func = func, \
238  .formats_state = FF_FILTER_FORMATS_QUERY_FUNC
239 #define FILTER_QUERY_FUNC2(func) \
240  .formats.query_func2 = func, \
241  .formats_state = FF_FILTER_FORMATS_QUERY_FUNC2
242 #define FILTER_PIXFMTS_ARRAY(array) \
243  .formats.pixels_list = array, \
244  .formats_state = FF_FILTER_FORMATS_PIXFMT_LIST
245 #define FILTER_SAMPLEFMTS_ARRAY(array) \
246  .formats.samples_list = array, \
248 #define FILTER_PIXFMTS(...) \
249  FILTER_PIXFMTS_ARRAY(((const enum AVPixelFormat []) { __VA_ARGS__, AV_PIX_FMT_NONE }))
250 #define FILTER_SAMPLEFMTS(...) \
251  FILTER_SAMPLEFMTS_ARRAY(((const enum AVSampleFormat[]) { __VA_ARGS__, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE }))
252 #define FILTER_SINGLE_PIXFMT(pix_fmt_) \
253  .formats.pix_fmt = pix_fmt_, \
255 #define FILTER_SINGLE_SAMPLEFMT(sample_fmt_) \
256  .formats.sample_fmt = sample_fmt_, \
259 #define FILTER_INOUTPADS(inout, array) \
260  .p.inout = array, \
261  .nb_ ## inout = FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(array)
262 #define FILTER_INPUTS(array) FILTER_INOUTPADS(inputs, (array))
263 #define FILTER_OUTPUTS(array) FILTER_INOUTPADS(outputs, (array))
265 typedef struct FFFilter {
266  /**
267  * The public AVFilter. See avfilter.h for it.
268  */
271  /**
272  * The number of entries in the list of inputs.
273  */
274  uint8_t nb_inputs;
276  /**
277  * The number of entries in the list of outputs.
278  */
279  uint8_t nb_outputs;
281  /**
282  * This field determines the state of the formats union.
283  * It is an enum FilterFormatsState value.
284  */
285  uint8_t formats_state;
287  /**
288  * Filter pre-initialization function
289  *
290  * This callback will be called immediately after the filter context is
291  * allocated, to allow allocating and initing sub-objects.
292  *
293  * If this callback is not NULL, the uninit callback will be called on
294  * allocation failure.
295  *
296  * @return 0 on success,
297  * AVERROR code on failure (but the code will be
298  * dropped and treated as ENOMEM by the calling code)
299  */
302  /**
303  * Filter initialization function.
304  *
305  * This callback will be called only once during the filter lifetime, after
306  * all the options have been set, but before links between filters are
307  * established and format negotiation is done.
308  *
309  * Basic filter initialization should be done here. Filters with dynamic
310  * inputs and/or outputs should create those inputs/outputs here based on
311  * provided options. No more changes to this filter's inputs/outputs can be
312  * done after this callback.
313  *
314  * This callback must not assume that the filter links exist or frame
315  * parameters are known.
316  *
317  * @ref AVFilter.uninit "uninit" is guaranteed to be called even if
318  * initialization fails, so this callback does not have to clean up on
319  * failure.
320  *
321  * @return 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on failure
322  */
325  /**
326  * Filter uninitialization function.
327  *
328  * Called only once right before the filter is freed. Should deallocate any
329  * memory held by the filter, release any buffer references, etc. It does
330  * not need to deallocate the AVFilterContext.priv memory itself.
331  *
332  * This callback may be called even if @ref AVFilter.init "init" was not
333  * called or failed, so it must be prepared to handle such a situation.
334  */
337  /**
338  * The state of the following union is determined by formats_state.
339  * See the documentation of enum FilterFormatsState in internal.h.
340  */
341  union {
342  /**
343  * Query formats supported by the filter on its inputs and outputs.
344  *
345  * This callback is called after the filter is initialized (so the inputs
346  * and outputs are fixed), shortly before the format negotiation. This
347  * callback may be called more than once.
348  *
349  * This callback must set ::AVFilterLink's
350  * @ref AVFilterFormatsConfig.formats "outcfg.formats"
351  * on every input link and
352  * @ref AVFilterFormatsConfig.formats "incfg.formats"
353  * on every output link to a list of pixel/sample formats that the filter
354  * supports on that link.
355  * For video links, this filter may also set
356  * @ref AVFilterFormatsConfig.color_spaces "incfg.color_spaces"
357  * /
358  * @ref AVFilterFormatsConfig.color_spaces "outcfg.color_spaces"
359  * and @ref AVFilterFormatsConfig.color_ranges "incfg.color_ranges"
360  * /
361  * @ref AVFilterFormatsConfig.color_ranges "outcfg.color_ranges"
362  * analogously.
363  * For audio links, this filter must also set
364  * @ref AVFilterFormatsConfig.samplerates "incfg.samplerates"
365  * /
366  * @ref AVFilterFormatsConfig.samplerates "outcfg.samplerates"
367  * and @ref AVFilterFormatsConfig.channel_layouts "incfg.channel_layouts"
368  * /
369  * @ref AVFilterFormatsConfig.channel_layouts "outcfg.channel_layouts"
370  * analogously.
371  *
372  * This callback must never be NULL if the union is in this state.
373  *
374  * @return zero on success, a negative value corresponding to an
375  * AVERROR code otherwise
376  */
379  /**
380  * Same as query_func(), except this function writes the results into
381  * provided arrays.
382  *
383  * @param cfg_in array of input format configurations with as many
384  * members as the filters has inputs (NULL when there are
385  * no inputs);
386  * @param cfg_out array of output format configurations with as many
387  * members as the filters has outputs (NULL when there
388  * are no outputs);
389  */
390  int (*query_func2)(const AVFilterContext *,
391  struct AVFilterFormatsConfig **cfg_in,
392  struct AVFilterFormatsConfig **cfg_out);
393  /**
394  * A pointer to an array of admissible pixel formats delimited
395  * by AV_PIX_FMT_NONE. The generic code will use this list
396  * to indicate that this filter supports each of these pixel formats,
397  * provided that all inputs and outputs use the same pixel format.
398  *
399  * In addition to that the generic code will mark all inputs
400  * and all outputs as supporting all color spaces and ranges, as
401  * long as all inputs and outputs use the same color space/range.
402  *
403  * This list must never be NULL if the union is in this state.
404  * The type of all inputs and outputs of filters using this must
406  */
408  /**
409  * Analogous to pixels, but delimited by AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE
410  * and restricted to filters that only have AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO
411  * inputs and outputs.
412  *
413  * In addition to that the generic code will mark all inputs
414  * and all outputs as supporting all sample rates and every
415  * channel count and channel layout, as long as all inputs
416  * and outputs use the same sample rate and channel count/layout.
417  */
419  /**
420  * Equivalent to { pix_fmt, AV_PIX_FMT_NONE } as pixels_list.
421  */
423  /**
424  * Equivalent to { sample_fmt, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE } as samples_list.
425  */
427  } formats;
429  int priv_size; ///< size of private data to allocate for the filter
431  int flags_internal; ///< Additional flags for avfilter internal use only.
433  /**
434  * Make the filter instance process a command.
435  *
436  * @param cmd the command to process, for handling simplicity all commands must be alphanumeric only
437  * @param arg the argument for the command
438  * @param res a buffer with size res_size where the filter(s) can return a response. This must not change when the command is not supported.
439  * @param flags if AVFILTER_CMD_FLAG_FAST is set and the command would be
440  * time consuming then a filter should treat it like an unsupported command
441  *
442  * @returns >=0 on success otherwise an error code.
443  * AVERROR(ENOSYS) on unsupported commands
444  */
445  int (*process_command)(AVFilterContext *, const char *cmd, const char *arg, char *res, int res_len, int flags);
447  /**
448  * Filter activation function.
449  *
450  * Called when any processing is needed from the filter, instead of any
451  * filter_frame and request_frame on pads.
452  *
453  * The function must examine inlinks and outlinks and perform a single
454  * step of processing. If there is nothing to do, the function must do
455  * nothing and not return an error. If more steps are or may be
456  * possible, it must use ff_filter_set_ready() to schedule another
457  * activation.
458  */
460 } FFFilter;
462 static inline const FFFilter *fffilter(const AVFilter *f)
463 {
464  return (const FFFilter*)f;
465 }
468 #define AVFILTER_DEFINE_CLASS_EXT(name, desc, options) \
469  static const AVClass name##_class = { \
470  .class_name = desc, \
471  .item_name = av_default_item_name, \
472  .option = options, \
473  .version = LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_INT, \
474  .category = AV_CLASS_CATEGORY_FILTER, \
475  }
476 #define AVFILTER_DEFINE_CLASS(fname) \
477  AVFILTER_DEFINE_CLASS_EXT(fname, #fname, fname##_options)
479 #define D2TS(d) (isnan(d) ? AV_NOPTS_VALUE : (int64_t)(d))
480 #define TS2D(ts) ((ts) == AV_NOPTS_VALUE ? NAN : (double)(ts))
481 #define TS2T(ts, tb) ((ts) == AV_NOPTS_VALUE ? NAN : (double)(ts) * av_q2d(tb))
483 /**
484  * Mark a filter ready and schedule it for activation.
485  *
486  * This is automatically done when something happens to the filter (queued
487  * frame, status change, request on output).
488  * Filters implementing the activate callback can call it directly to
489  * perform one more round of processing later.
490  * It is also useful for filters reacting to external or asynchronous
491  * events.
492  */
493 void ff_filter_set_ready(AVFilterContext *filter, unsigned priority);
495 /**
496  * Get the number of frames available on the link.
497  * @return the number of frames available in the link fifo.
498  */
501 /**
502  * Test if a frame is available on the link.
503  * @return >0 if a frame is available
504  */
508 /***
509  * Get the number of samples available on the link.
510  * @return the numer of samples available on the link.
511  */
514 /**
515  * Test if enough samples are available on the link.
516  * @return >0 if enough samples are available
517  * @note on EOF and error, min becomes 1
518  */
521 /**
522  * Take a frame from the link's FIFO and update the link's stats.
523  *
524  * If ff_inlink_check_available_frame() was previously called, the
525  * preferred way of expressing it is "av_assert1(ret);" immediately after
526  * ff_inlink_consume_frame(). Negative error codes must still be checked.
527  *
528  * @note May trigger process_command() and/or update is_disabled.
529  * @return >0 if a frame is available,
530  * 0 and set rframe to NULL if no frame available,
531  * or AVERROR code
532  */
535 /**
536  * Take samples from the link's FIFO and update the link's stats.
537  *
538  * If ff_inlink_check_available_samples() was previously called, the
539  * preferred way of expressing it is "av_assert1(ret);" immediately after
540  * ff_inlink_consume_samples(). Negative error codes must still be checked.
541  *
542  * @note May trigger process_command() and/or update is_disabled.
543  * @return >0 if a frame is available,
544  * 0 and set rframe to NULL if no frame available,
545  * or AVERROR code
546  */
547 int ff_inlink_consume_samples(AVFilterLink *link, unsigned min, unsigned max,
548  AVFrame **rframe);
550 /**
551  * Access a frame in the link fifo without consuming it.
552  * The first frame is numbered 0; the designated frame must exist.
553  * @return the frame at idx position in the link fifo.
554  */
557 /**
558  * Make sure a frame is writable.
559  * This is similar to av_frame_make_writable() except it uses the link's
560  * buffer allocation callback, and therefore allows direct rendering.
561  */
564 /**
565  * Test and acknowledge the change of status on the link.
566  *
567  * Status means EOF or an error condition; a change from the normal (0)
568  * status to a non-zero status can be queued in a filter's input link, it
569  * becomes relevant after the frames queued in the link's FIFO are
570  * processed. This function tests if frames are still queued and if a queued
571  * status change has not yet been processed. In that case it performs basic
572  * treatment (updating the link's timestamp) and returns a positive value to
573  * let the filter do its own treatments (flushing...).
574  *
575  * Filters implementing the activate callback should call this function when
576  * they think it might succeed (usually after checking unsuccessfully for a
577  * queued frame).
578  * Filters implementing the filter_frame and request_frame callbacks do not
579  * need to call that since the same treatment happens in ff_filter_frame().
580  *
581  * @param[out] rstatus new or current status
582  * @param[out] rpts current timestamp of the link in link time base
583  * @return >0 if status changed, <0 if status already acked, 0 otherwise
584  */
585 int ff_inlink_acknowledge_status(AVFilterLink *link, int *rstatus, int64_t *rpts);
587 /**
588  * Mark that a frame is wanted on the link.
589  * Unlike ff_filter_frame(), it must not be called when the link has a
590  * non-zero status, and thus does not acknowledge it.
591  * Also it cannot fail.
592  */
595 /**
596  * Set the status on an input link.
597  * Also discard all frames in the link's FIFO.
598  */
601 /**
602  * Test if a frame is wanted on an output link.
603  */
606 /**
607  * Get the status on an output link.
608  */
611 /**
612  * Set the status field of a link from the source filter.
613  * The pts should reflect the timestamp of the status change,
614  * in link time base and relative to the frames timeline.
615  * In particular, for AVERROR_EOF, it should reflect the
616  * end time of the last frame.
617  */
620 /**
621  * Set the status field of a link from the source filter.
622  * The pts should reflect the timestamp of the status change,
623  * in link time base and relative to the frames timeline.
624  * In particular, for AVERROR_EOF, it should reflect the
625  * end time of the last frame.
626  */
628 {
630 }
632 /**
633  * Forward the status on an output link to an input link.
634  * If the status is set, it will discard all queued frames and this macro
635  * will return immediately.
636  */
637 #define FF_FILTER_FORWARD_STATUS_BACK(outlink, inlink) do { \
638  int ret = ff_outlink_get_status(outlink); \
639  if (ret) { \
640  ff_inlink_set_status(inlink, ret); \
641  return 0; \
642  } \
643 } while (0)
645 /**
646  * Forward the status on an output link to all input links.
647  * If the status is set, it will discard all queued frames and this macro
648  * will return immediately.
649  */
650 #define FF_FILTER_FORWARD_STATUS_BACK_ALL(outlink, filter) do { \
651  int ret = ff_outlink_get_status(outlink); \
652  if (ret) { \
653  unsigned i; \
654  for (i = 0; i < filter->nb_inputs; i++) \
655  ff_inlink_set_status(filter->inputs[i], ret); \
656  return 0; \
657  } \
658 } while (0)
660 /**
661  * Acknowledge the status on an input link and forward it to an output link.
662  * If the status is set, this macro will return immediately.
663  */
664 #define FF_FILTER_FORWARD_STATUS(inlink, outlink) do { \
665  int status; \
666  int64_t pts; \
667  if (ff_inlink_acknowledge_status(inlink, &status, &pts)) { \
668  ff_outlink_set_status(outlink, status, pts); \
669  return 0; \
670  } \
671 } while (0)
673 /**
674  * Acknowledge the status on an input link and forward it to an output link.
675  * If the status is set, this macro will return immediately.
676  */
677 #define FF_FILTER_FORWARD_STATUS_ALL(inlink, filter) do { \
678  int status; \
679  int64_t pts; \
680  if (ff_inlink_acknowledge_status(inlink, &status, &pts)) { \
681  unsigned i; \
682  for (i = 0; i < filter->nb_outputs; i++) \
683  ff_outlink_set_status(filter->outputs[i], status, pts); \
684  return 0; \
685  } \
686 } while (0)
688 /**
689  * Forward the frame_wanted_out flag from an output link to an input link.
690  * If the flag is set, this macro will return immediately.
691  */
692 #define FF_FILTER_FORWARD_WANTED(outlink, inlink) do { \
693  if (ff_outlink_frame_wanted(outlink)) { \
694  ff_inlink_request_frame(inlink); \
695  return 0; \
696  } \
697 } while (0)
699 /**
700  * Check for flow control between input and output.
701  * This is necessary for filters that may produce several output frames for
702  * a single input event, otherwise they may produce them all at once,
703  * causing excessive memory consumption.
704  */
707 /**
708  * Perform any additional setup required for hardware frames.
709  *
710  * link->hw_frames_ctx must be set before calling this function.
711  * Inside link->hw_frames_ctx, the fields format, sw_format, width and
712  * height must be set. If dynamically allocated pools are not supported,
713  * then initial_pool_size must also be set, to the minimum hardware frame
714  * pool size necessary for the filter to work (taking into account any
715  * frames which need to stored for use in operations as appropriate). If
716  * default_pool_size is nonzero, then it will be used as the pool size if
717  * no other modification takes place (this can be used to preserve
718  * compatibility).
719  */
721  int default_pool_size);
723 /**
724  * Generic processing of user supplied commands that are set
725  * in the same way as the filter options.
726  * NOTE: 'enable' option is handled separately, and not by
727  * this function.
728  */
729 int ff_filter_process_command(AVFilterContext *ctx, const char *cmd,
730  const char *arg, char *res, int res_len, int flags);
732 /**
733  * Get number of threads for current filter instance.
734  * This number is always same or less than graph->nb_threads.
735  */
738 /**
739  * Send a frame of data to the next filter.
740  *
741  * @param link the output link over which the data is being sent
742  * @param frame a reference to the buffer of data being sent. The
743  * receiving filter will free this reference when it no longer
744  * needs it or pass it on to the next filter.
745  *
746  * @return >= 0 on success, a negative AVERROR on error. The receiving filter
747  * is responsible for unreferencing frame in case of error.
748  */
751 /**
752  * Request an input frame from the filter at the other end of the link.
753  *
754  * This function must not be used by filters using the activate callback,
755  * use ff_link_set_frame_wanted() instead.
756  *
757  * The input filter may pass the request on to its inputs, fulfill the
758  * request from an internal buffer or any other means specific to its function.
759  *
760  * When the end of a stream is reached AVERROR_EOF is returned and no further
761  * frames are returned after that.
762  *
763  * When a filter is unable to output a frame for example due to its sources
764  * being unable to do so or because it depends on external means pushing data
765  * into it then AVERROR(EAGAIN) is returned.
766  * It is important that a AVERROR(EAGAIN) return is returned all the way to the
767  * caller (generally eventually a user application) as this step may (but does
768  * not have to be) necessary to provide the input with the next frame.
769  *
770  * If a request is successful then some progress has been made towards
771  * providing a frame on the link (through ff_filter_frame()). A filter that
772  * needs several frames to produce one is allowed to return success if one
773  * more frame has been processed but no output has been produced yet. A
774  * filter is also allowed to simply forward a success return value.
775  *
776  * @param link the input link
777  * @return zero on success
778  * AVERROR_EOF on end of file
779  * AVERROR(EAGAIN) if the previous filter cannot output a frame
780  * currently and can neither guarantee that EOF has been reached.
781  */
784 /**
785  * Append a new input/output pad to the filter's list of such pads.
786  *
787  * The *_free_name versions will set the AVFILTERPAD_FLAG_FREE_NAME flag
788  * ensuring that the name will be freed generically (even on insertion error).
789  */
795 /**
796  * Tell if an integer is contained in the provided -1-terminated list of integers.
797  * This is useful for determining (for instance) if an AVPixelFormat is in an
798  * array of supported formats.
799  *
800  * @param fmt provided format
801  * @param fmts -1-terminated list of formats
802  * @return 1 if present, 0 if absent
803  */
804 int ff_fmt_is_in(int fmt, const int *fmts);
807  void *arg, int *ret, int nb_jobs);
809 #endif /* AVFILTER_FILTERS_H */
int(* func)(AVBPrint *dst, const char *in, const char *arg)
Definition: jacosubdec.c:68
int ff_request_frame(AVFilterLink *link)
Request an input frame from the filter at the other end of the link.
Definition: avfilter.c:491
Pixel format.
Definition: pixfmt.h:71
int ff_inlink_make_frame_writable(AVFilterLink *link, AVFrame **rframe)
Make sure a frame is writable.
Definition: avfilter.c:1554
void ff_filter_set_ready(AVFilterContext *filter, unsigned priority)
Mark a filter ready and schedule it for activation.
Definition: avfilter.c:240
formats.query active.
Definition: filters.h:228
int ff_inlink_check_available_samples(AVFilterLink *link, unsigned min)
Test if enough samples are available on the link.
Definition: avfilter.c:1488
int(* process_command)(AVFilterContext *, const char *cmd, const char *arg, char *res, int res_len, int flags)
Make the filter instance process a command.
Definition: filters.h:445
int ff_inoutlink_check_flow(AVFilterLink *inlink, AVFilterLink *outlink)
Check for flow control between input and output.
Definition: avfilter.c:1641
int() avfilter_action_func(AVFilterContext *ctx, void *arg, int jobnr, int nb_jobs)
A function pointer passed to the AVFilterGraph::execute callback to be executed multiple times,...
Definition: avfilter.h:567
int ff_filter_process_command(AVFilterContext *ctx, const char *cmd, const char *arg, char *res, int res_len, int flags)
Generic processing of user supplied commands that are set in the same way as the filter options.
Definition: avfilter.c:917
union AVFilterPad::@330 get_buffer
Callback functions to get a video/audio buffers.
void(* uninit)(AVFilterContext *ctx)
Filter uninitialization function.
Definition: filters.h:335
long long int64_t
Definition: coverity.c:34
int ff_filter_execute(AVFilterContext *ctx, avfilter_action_func *func, void *arg, int *ret, int nb_jobs)
Definition: avfilter.c:1683
The exact code depends on how similar the blocks are and how related they are to the and needs to apply these operations to the correct inlink or outlink if there are several Macros are available to factor that when no extra processing is inlink
Definition: filter_design.txt:212
This structure describes decoded (raw) audio or video data.
Definition: frame.h:410
uint8_t w
Definition: llviddspenc.c:38
int(* query_func2)(const AVFilterContext *, struct AVFilterFormatsConfig **cfg_in, struct AVFilterFormatsConfig **cfg_out)
Same as query_func(), except this function writes the results into provided arrays.
Definition: filters.h:390
int priv_size
size of private data to allocate for the filter
Definition: filters.h:429
formats.pix_fmt active
Definition: filters.h:232
void(* filter)(uint8_t *src, int stride, int qscale)
Definition: h263dsp.c:29
int(* init)(AVFilterContext *ctx)
Filter initialization function.
Definition: filters.h:323
#define max(a, b)
Definition: cuda_runtime.h:33
#define av_pure
Definition: attributes.h:78
enum AVSampleFormat sample_fmt
Equivalent to { sample_fmt, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE } as samples_list.
Definition: filters.h:426
static const FFFilter * fffilter(const AVFilter *f)
Definition: filters.h:462
union FFFilter::@331 formats
The state of the following union is determined by formats_state.
Definition: filters.h:216
uint8_t formats_state
This field determines the state of the formats union.
Definition: filters.h:285
AVFrame * ff_inlink_peek_frame(AVFilterLink *link, size_t idx)
Access a frame in the link fifo without consuming it.
Definition: avfilter.c:1548
static int64_t pts
Definition: transcode_aac.c:644
A filter pad used for either input or output.
Definition: filters.h:38
int ff_append_outpad(AVFilterContext *f, AVFilterPad *p)
Definition: avfilter.c:138
int(* request_frame)(AVFilterLink *link)
Frame request callback.
Definition: filters.h:102
Definition: filters.h:265
static void ff_outlink_set_status(AVFilterLink *link, int status, int64_t pts)
Set the status field of a link from the source filter.
Definition: filters.h:627
enum AVSampleFormat * samples_list
Analogous to pixels, but delimited by AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE and restricted to filters that only have AVM...
Definition: filters.h:418
AVFormatContext * ctx
Definition: movenc.c:49
void ff_avfilter_link_set_in_status(AVFilterLink *link, int status, int64_t pts)
Set the status field of a link from the source filter.
Definition: avfilter.c:261
int ff_fmt_is_in(int fmt, const int *fmts)
Tell if an integer is contained in the provided -1-terminated list of integers.
Definition: formats.c:406
Filter the word “frame” indicates either a video frame or a group of audio as stored in an AVFrame structure Format for each input and each output the list of supported formats For video that means pixel format For audio that means channel sample they are references to shared objects When the negotiation mechanism computes the intersection of the formats supported at each end of a link
Definition: filter_design.txt:23
int(* preinit)(AVFilterContext *ctx)
Filter pre-initialization function.
Definition: filters.h:300
const char * arg
Definition: jacosubdec.c:67
int ff_inlink_acknowledge_status(AVFilterLink *link, int *rstatus, int64_t *rpts)
Test and acknowledge the change of status on the link.
Definition: avfilter.c:1454
int(* activate)(AVFilterContext *ctx)
Filter activation function.
Definition: filters.h:459
Rational number (pair of numerator and denominator).
Definition: rational.h:58
int(* filter_frame)(AVFilterLink *link, AVFrame *frame)
Filtering callback.
Definition: filters.h:93
int ff_inlink_queued_samples(AVFilterLink *link)
Definition: avfilter.c:1482
Definition: avfilter.h:584
Lists of formats / etc.
Definition: avfilter.h:109
static FilterLink * ff_filter_link(AVFilterLink *link)
Definition: filters.h:197
formats.sample_fmt active.
Definition: filters.h:233
int(* config_props)(AVFilterLink *link)
Link configuration callback.
Definition: filters.h:118
Definition: af_crystalizer.c:122
uint8_t nb_outputs
The number of entries in the list of outputs.
Definition: filters.h:279
Definition: avutil.h:199
int ff_filter_frame(AVFilterLink *link, AVFrame *frame)
Send a frame of data to the next filter.
Definition: avfilter.c:1078
int ff_inlink_consume_frame(AVFilterLink *link, AVFrame **rframe)
Take a frame from the link's FIFO and update the link's stats.
Definition: avfilter.c:1507
The default value meaning that this filter supports all formats and (for audio) sample rates and chan...
Definition: filters.h:227
enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt
Equivalent to { pix_fmt, AV_PIX_FMT_NONE } as pixels_list.
Definition: filters.h:422
int ff_filter_init_hw_frames(AVFilterContext *avctx, AVFilterLink *link, int default_pool_size)
Perform any additional setup required for hardware frames.
Definition: avfilter.c:1655
uint8_t nb_inputs
The number of entries in the list of inputs.
Definition: filters.h:274
Audio sample formats.
Definition: samplefmt.h:55
int flags
A combination of AVFILTERPAD_FLAG_* flags.
Definition: filters.h:67
const char * name
Pad name.
Definition: filters.h:44
int(* query_func)(AVFilterContext *)
Query formats supported by the filter on its inputs and outputs.
Definition: filters.h:377
Filter definition.
Definition: avfilter.h:199
Definition: filter_design.txt:187
enum AVMediaType type
AVFilterPad type.
Definition: filters.h:49
these buffered frames must be flushed immediately if a new input produces new the filter must not call request_frame to get more It must just process the frame or queue it The task of requesting more frames is left to the filter s request_frame method or the application If a filter has several the filter must be ready for frames arriving randomly on any input any filter with several inputs will most likely require some kind of queuing mechanism It is perfectly acceptable to have a limited queue and to drop frames when the inputs are too unbalanced request_frame For filters that do not use the this method is called when a frame is wanted on an output For a it should directly call filter_frame on the corresponding output For a if there are queued frames already one of these frames should be pushed If the filter should request a frame on one of its repeatedly until at least one frame has been pushed Return or at least make progress towards producing a frame
Definition: filter_design.txt:264
int flags_internal
Additional flags for avfilter internal use only.
Definition: filters.h:431
formats.query_func2 active.
Definition: filters.h:229
int ff_append_inpad_free_name(AVFilterContext *f, AVFilterPad *p)
Definition: avfilter.c:132
ov_status_e status
Definition: dnn_backend_openvino.c:100
int ff_inlink_check_available_frame(AVFilterLink *link)
Test if a frame is available on the link.
Definition: avfilter.c:1476
size_t ff_inlink_queued_frames(AVFilterLink *link)
Get the number of frames available on the link.
Definition: avfilter.c:1470
int ff_outlink_get_status(AVFilterLink *link)
Get the status on an output link.
Definition: avfilter.c:1635
void ff_inlink_request_frame(AVFilterLink *link)
Mark that a frame is wanted on the link.
Definition: avfilter.c:1610
void ff_inlink_set_status(AVFilterLink *link, int status)
Set the status on an input link.
Definition: avfilter.c:1619
An instance of a filter.
Definition: avfilter.h:257
AVFilter p
The public AVFilter.
Definition: filters.h:269
A reference to a data buffer.
Definition: buffer.h:82
int ff_outlink_frame_wanted(AVFilterLink *link)
Test if a frame is wanted on an output link.
Definition: avfilter.c:1677
formats.samples_list active.
Definition: filters.h:231
#define flags(name, subs,...)
Definition: cbs_av1.c:482
enum AVPixelFormat * pixels_list
A pointer to an array of admissible pixel formats delimited by AV_PIX_FMT_NONE.
Definition: filters.h:407
int ff_inlink_consume_samples(AVFilterLink *link, unsigned min, unsigned max, AVFrame **rframe)
Take samples from the link's FIFO and update the link's stats.
Definition: avfilter.c:1527
Definition: vp9dsp_template.c:2070
int ff_filter_get_nb_threads(AVFilterContext *ctx) av_pure
Get number of threads for current filter instance.
Definition: avfilter.c:857
int ff_append_outpad_free_name(AVFilterContext *f, AVFilterPad *p)
Definition: avfilter.c:143
int ff_append_inpad(AVFilterContext *f, AVFilterPad *p)
Append a new input/output pad to the filter's list of such pads.
Definition: avfilter.c:127
formats.pixels_list active.
Definition: filters.h:230
float min
Definition: vorbis_enc_data.h:429