[FFmpeg-user] Pipe subtitles to ffmpeg exe

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Sun Dec 29 16:51:29 CET 2013

Sylvain <sylvain <at> lahiette.com> writes:

> > Please explain why you cannot create dvbsubs with 
> > FFmpeg, we like problem reports.
> I was trying to guess how to provide the input subtitles, 
> hence my question.
> As i have now a hint, i am coding  a test to generate a 
> "mpeg-ts subtitles only stream", and then try to remux it.

As said, this unfortunately does not work currently 
(it should though and it may be possible to fix).

You wrote:
> Note that the subtitles are generated by my own application

I am curious why you don't create the dvb subtitles with 
the FFmpeg dvbsub encoder.

Carl Eugen

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