[FFmpeg-user] removing audio from section of video

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Tue Jan 15 21:22:13 CET 2013

johnd <john <at> jjdev.com> writes:

> If I want to say remove the audio from a part of a video, 
> must I first break that out then replace the audio for 
> the entire piece, then concat back together?

(I find this very difficult to understand, typical 
questions on this list are: "I tried ffmpeg -i input 
-c copy out.avi - see complete, uncut console output 
at the end of my email - how can I remux only the 

I may misunderstand your question - see above - but 
the following "removes" audio from the input file:
$ ffmpeg -i input -vcodec copy -an out.avi

Carl Eugen

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