[FFmpeg-user] FFMPEG Overlay image on video results large size videos

Rajasekhar Reddy rajasekhar.u at krify.net
Sat Dec 26 07:26:23 CET 2015


I am using the following command to overlay an image on video, i am
successful in making it.

"ffmpeg -i " + video_path + " -i " + final_output_resized_image_path +
" -preset ultrafast -strict -2 -filter_complex overlay=x=" + XX +
":y=" + YY + ":enable='between(t," + (min_seek/1000) + "," +
(max_seek/1000) + ")' " + "/storage/emulated/0/video/" +

I found an issue with the file size which results in   output video
sizes 13.82 MB as input video sizes 4.53 MB, image size is 10.81 KB.

How to reduce the output video file size after overlay conversion using FFMPEG.

Thanks in advance.

With Regards,

U.Rajasekhar Reddy

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