compat | |
  msvcrt | |
   snprintf.c | |
   snprintf.h | |
  plan9 | |
   main.c | |
  tms470 | |
   math.h | |
  getopt.c | |
  strtod.c | |
  va_copy.h | |
 doc | |
  examples | |
   decoding_encoding.c | Libavcodec API use example |
   demuxing.c | Libavformat demuxing API use example |
   filtering_audio.c | API example for audio decoding and filtering |
   filtering_video.c | API example for decoding and filtering |
   metadata.c | Shows how the metadata API can be used in application programs |
   muxing.c | Libavformat API example |
   resampling_audio.c | |
   scaling_video.c | Libswscale API use example |
 libavcodec | |
  alpha | |
   asm.h | |
   dsputil_alpha.c | |
   dsputil_alpha.h | |
   motion_est_alpha.c | |
   mpegvideo_alpha.c | |
   regdef.h | |
   simple_idct_alpha.c | |
  arm | |
   aac.h | |
   aacpsdsp_init_arm.c | |
   ac3dsp_init_arm.c | |
   asm-offsets.h | |
   dca.h | |
   dcadsp_init_arm.c | |
   dsputil_arm.h | |
   dsputil_init_arm.c | |
   dsputil_init_armv5te.c | |
   dsputil_init_armv6.c | |
   dsputil_init_neon.c | |
   dsputil_init_vfp.c | |
   fft_fixed_init_arm.c | |
   fft_init_arm.c | |
   flacdsp_init_arm.c | |
   fmtconvert_init_arm.c | |
   h264dsp_init_arm.c | |
   h264pred_init_arm.c | |
   mathops.h | |
   mpegaudiodsp_init_arm.c | |
   mpegvideo_arm.c | |
   mpegvideo_arm.h | |
   mpegvideo_armv5te.c | |
   rv34dsp_init_arm.c | |
   rv40dsp_init_arm.c | |
   sbrdsp_init_arm.c | |
   videodsp_arm.h | |
   videodsp_init_arm.c | |
   videodsp_init_armv5te.c | |
   vp3dsp_init_arm.c | |
   vp56_arith.h | |
   vp56dsp_init_arm.c | |
   vp8.h | |
   vp8dsp.h | |
   vp8dsp_init_arm.c | |
   vp8dsp_init_armv6.c | |
   vp8dsp_init_neon.c | |
  avr32 | |
   mathops.h | |
  bfin | |
   config_bfin.h | |
   dsputil_bfin.c | |
   dsputil_bfin.h | |
   mathops.h | |
   mpegvideo_bfin.c | |
   vp3_bfin.c | |
  mips | |
   ac3dsp_mips.c | Reference: libavcodec/ac3dsp.c |
   acelp_filters_mips.c | Reference: libavcodec/acelp_filters.c |
   acelp_vectors_mips.c | Reference: libavcodec/acelp_vectors.c |
   amrwbdec_mips.c | Reference: libavcodec/amrwbdec.c |
   amrwbdec_mips.h | Reference: libavcodec/amrwbdec.c |
   celp_filters_mips.c | Reference: libavcodec/celp_filters.c |
   celp_math_mips.c | Reference: libavcodec/celp_math.c |
   compute_antialias_fixed.h | Reference: libavcodec/mpegaudiodec.c |
   compute_antialias_float.h | Reference: libavcodec/mpegaudiodec.c |
   dsputil_mips.c | |
   fft_init_table.c | Definitions and initialization of LUT table for MIPS FFT |
   fft_mips.c | |
   fft_table.h | Definitions and LUT table for MIPS FFT |
   fmtconvert_mips.c | |
   lsp_mips.h | Reference: libavcodec/lsp.c |
   mathops.h | |
   mpegaudiodsp_mips_fixed.c | Reference: libavcodec/mpegaudiodsp_template.c |
   mpegaudiodsp_mips_float.c | Reference: libavcodec/mpegaudiodsp_template.c libavcodec/dct32.c |
  ppc | |
   dsputil_altivec.c | |
   dsputil_altivec.h | |
   dsputil_ppc.c | |
   fdct_altivec.c | |
   fft_altivec.c | |
   float_altivec.c | |
   fmtconvert_altivec.c | |
   gmc_altivec.c | |
   h264_altivec.c | |
   h264_altivec_template.c | |
   idct_altivec.c | |
   int_altivec.c | Integer misc ops |
   mathops.h | |
   mpegaudiodec_altivec.c | |
   mpegvideo_altivec.c | |
   vc1dsp_altivec.c | |
   videodsp_ppc.c | |
   vp3dsp_altivec.c | |
   vp8dsp_altivec.c | |
  sh4 | |
   dsputil_align.c | |
   dsputil_sh4.c | |
   dsputil_sh4.h | |
   idct_sh4.c | |
   qpel.c | |
   sh4.h | |
  sparc | |
   dsputil_vis.c | |
   dsputil_vis.h | |
   simple_idct_vis.c | |
   vis.h | |
  x86 | |
   ac3dsp_init.c | |
   cabac.h | |
   cavsdsp.c | |
   diracdsp_mmx.c | |
   diracdsp_mmx.h | |
   dnxhdenc.c | |
   dsputil_avg_template.c | |
   dsputil_mmx.c | |
   dsputil_mmx.h | |
   dsputil_qns_template.c | |
   dsputil_rnd_template.c | |
   dsputilenc_mmx.c | |
   dwt.c | |
   dwt.h | |
   fdct.c | |
   fft.h | |
   fft_init.c | |
   fmtconvert_init.c | |
   h264_i386.h | H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 codec |
   h264_intrapred_init.c | |
   h264_qpel.c | |
   h264dsp_init.c | |
   idct_mmx.c | |
   idct_mmx_xvid.c | |
   idct_sse2_xvid.c | |
   idct_xvid.h | Header for Xvid IDCT functions |
   lpc.c | |
   mathops.h | |
   mlpdsp.c | |
   motion_est.c | |
   mpegaudiodec.c | |
   mpegvideo.c | |
   mpegvideoenc.c | |
   mpegvideoenc_template.c | |
   pngdsp_init.c | |
   proresdsp_init.c | |
   rv34dsp_init.c | |
   rv40dsp_init.c | RV40 decoder motion compensation functions x86-optimised 2,0 and 0,2 have h264 equivalents |
   sbrdsp_init.c | |
   simple_idct.c | |
   snowdsp.c | |
   v210-init.c | |
   vc1dsp.h | |
   vc1dsp_init.c | |
   vc1dsp_mmx.c | |
   videodsp_init.c | |
   vp3dsp_init.c | |
   vp56_arith.h | |
   vp56dsp_init.c | |
   vp8dsp_init.c | |
   w64xmmtest.c | |
  012v.c | |
  4xm.c | 4XM codec |
  8bps.c | QT 8BPS Video Decoder by Roberto Togni For more information about the 8BPS format, visit: http://www.pcisys.net/~melanson/codecs/ |
  8svx.c | 8svx audio decoder |
  a64colors.h | A64 video encoder - c64 colors in rgb |
  a64enc.h | A64 video encoder - basic headers |
  a64multienc.c | A64 video encoder - multicolor modes |
  a64tables.h | A64 video encoder - tables used by a64 encoders |
  aac.h | AAC definitions and structures |
  aac_ac3_parser.c | |
  aac_ac3_parser.h | |
  aac_adtstoasc_bsf.c | |
  aac_parser.c | |
  aac_tablegen.c | |
  aac_tablegen.h | |
  aac_tablegen_decl.h | |
  aacadtsdec.c | |
  aacadtsdec.h | |
  aaccoder.c | AAC coefficients encoder |
  aacdec.c | AAC decoder |
  aacdectab.h | AAC decoder data |
  aacenc.c | AAC encoder |
  aacenc.h | |
  aacps.c | |
  aacps.h | |
  aacps_tablegen.c | |
  aacps_tablegen.h | |
  aacpsdata.c | |
  aacpsdsp.c | |
  aacpsdsp.h | |
  aacpsy.c | AAC encoder psychoacoustic model |
  aacpsy.h | |
  aacsbr.c | AAC Spectral Band Replication decoding functions |
  aacsbr.h | AAC Spectral Band Replication function declarations |
  aacsbrdata.h | AAC Spectral Band Replication decoding data |
  aactab.c | AAC data |
  aactab.h | AAC data declarations |
  aandcttab.c | AAN (Arai Agui Aakajima) (I)DCT tables |
  aandcttab.h | AAN (Arai Agui Nakajima) (I)DCT tables |
  aasc.c | Autodesk RLE Video Decoder by Konstantin Shishkov |
  ac3.c | Common code between the AC-3 encoder and decoder |
  ac3.h | Common code between the AC-3 encoder and decoder |
  ac3_parser.c | |
  ac3_parser.h | |
  ac3dec.c | |
  ac3dec.h | Common code between the AC-3 and E-AC-3 decoders |
  ac3dec_data.c | Tables taken directly from the AC-3 spec |
  ac3dec_data.h | |
  ac3dsp.c | |
  ac3dsp.h | |
  ac3enc.c | The simplest AC-3 encoder |
  ac3enc.h | AC-3 encoder & E-AC-3 encoder common header |
  ac3enc_fixed.c | Fixed-point AC-3 encoder |
  ac3enc_float.c | Floating-point AC-3 encoder |
  ac3enc_opts_template.c | |
  ac3enc_template.c | AC-3 encoder float/fixed template |
  ac3tab.c | Tables taken directly from the AC-3 spec |
  ac3tab.h | |
  acelp_filters.c | |
  acelp_filters.h | |
  acelp_pitch_delay.c | |
  acelp_pitch_delay.h | |
  acelp_vectors.c | |
  acelp_vectors.h | |
  adpcm.c | ADPCM decoders First version by Francois Revol (revol.nosp@m.@fre.nosp@m.e.fr) Fringe ADPCM codecs (e.g., DK3, DK4, Westwood) by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) CD-ROM XA ADPCM codec by BERO EA ADPCM decoder by Robin Kay (komad.nosp@m.ori@.nosp@m.myrea.nosp@m.lbox.nosp@m..com) EA ADPCM R1/R2/R3 decoder by Peter Ross (pross.nosp@m.@xvi.nosp@m.d.org) EA IMA EACS decoder by Peter Ross (pross.nosp@m.@xvi.nosp@m.d.org) EA IMA SEAD decoder by Peter Ross (pross.nosp@m.@xvi.nosp@m.d.org) EA ADPCM XAS decoder by Peter Ross (pross.nosp@m.@xvi.nosp@m.d.org) MAXIS EA ADPCM decoder by Robert Marston (rmars.nosp@m.ton@.nosp@m.gmail.nosp@m..com) THP ADPCM decoder by Marco Gerards (mgera.nosp@m.rds@.nosp@m.xs4al.nosp@m.l.nl) |
  adpcm.h | ADPCM encoder/decoder common header |
  adpcm_data.c | ADPCM tables |
  adpcm_data.h | ADPCM tables |
  adpcmenc.c | ADPCM encoders First version by Francois Revol (revol.nosp@m.@fre.nosp@m.e.fr) Fringe ADPCM codecs (e.g., DK3, DK4, Westwood) by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) |
  adx.c | |
  adx.h | SEGA CRI adx codecs |
  adx_parser.c | ADX audio parser |
  adxdec.c | SEGA CRI adx codecs |
  adxenc.c | SEGA CRI adx codecs |
  alac.c | ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec) decoder |
  alac_data.c | |
  alac_data.h | |
  alacenc.c | |
  allcodecs.c | Provide registration of all codecs, parsers and bitstream filters for libavcodec |
  alsdec.c | MPEG-4 ALS decoder |
  amr.h | |
  amrnbdata.h | AMR narrowband data and definitions |
  amrnbdec.c | AMR narrowband decoder |
  amrwbdata.h | AMR wideband data and definitions |
  amrwbdec.c | AMR wideband decoder |
  anm.c | Deluxe Paint Animation decoder |
  ansi.c | ASCII/ANSI art decoder |
  apedec.c | Monkey's Audio lossless audio decoder |
  ass.c | |
  ass.h | |
  ass_split.c | |
  ass_split.h | |
  assdec.c | |
  assenc.c | |
  asv.c | ASUS V1/V2 encoder/decoder common data |
  asv.h | ASUS V1/V2 encoder/decoder common data |
  asvdec.c | ASUS V1/V2 decoder |
  asvenc.c | ASUS V1/V2 encoder |
  atrac.c | |
  atrac.h | Atrac common header |
  atrac1.c | Atrac 1 compatible decoder |
  atrac1data.h | Atrac 1 compatible decoder data |
  atrac3.c | Atrac 3 compatible decoder |
  atrac3data.h | Atrac 3 AKA RealAudio 8 compatible decoder data |
  audio_frame_queue.c | |
  audio_frame_queue.h | |
  audioconvert.c | Audio conversion |
  audioconvert.h | Audio format conversion routines |
  aura.c | Aura 2 decoder |
  avcodec.h | External API header |
  avfft.c | |
  avfft.h | FFT functions |
  avpacket.c | |
  avpicture.c | AVPicture management routines |
  avrndec.c | |
  avs.c | |
  avuidec.c | |
  avuienc.c | |
  bethsoftvideo.c | Bethesda Softworks VID Video Decoder |
  bethsoftvideo.h | |
  bfi.c | Brute Force & Ignorance (.bfi) video decoder |
  bgmc.c | Block Gilbert-Moore decoder as used by MPEG-4 ALS |
  bgmc.h | Block Gilbert-Moore decoder header |
  bink.c | |
  binkaudio.c | Bink Audio decoder |
  binkdata.h | |
  binkdsp.c | Bink DSP routines |
  binkdsp.h | Bink DSP routines |
  bintext.c | Binary text decoder eXtended BINary text (XBIN) decoder iCEDraw File decoder |
  bintext.h | Binary text decoder |
  bit_depth_template.c | |
  bitstream.c | Bitstream api |
  bitstream_filter.c | |
  bmp.c | |
  bmp.h | |
  bmp_parser.c | BMP parser |
  bmpenc.c | |
  bmv.c | |
  brender_pix.c | |
  bytestream.h | |
  c93.c | |
  cabac.c | Context Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coder |
  cabac.h | Context Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coder |
  cabac_functions.h | Context Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coder inline functions |
  cavs.c | Chinese AVS video (AVS1-P2, JiZhun profile) decoder |
  cavs.h | |
  cavs_parser.c | Chinese AVS video (AVS1-P2, JiZhun profile) parser |
  cavsdata.c | |
  cavsdata.h | |
  cavsdec.c | Chinese AVS video (AVS1-P2, JiZhun profile) decoder |
  cavsdsp.c | |
  cavsdsp.h | |
  cbrt_tablegen.c | |
  cbrt_tablegen.h | |
  cdgraphics.c | CD Graphics Video Decoder |
  cdxl.c | |
  celp_filters.c | |
  celp_filters.h | |
  celp_math.c | |
  celp_math.h | |
  cga_data.c | CGA/EGA/VGA ROM data |
  cga_data.h | CGA/EGA/VGA ROM data |
  chomp_bsf.c | |
  cinepak.c | Cinepak video decoder |
  cljr.c | Cirrus Logic AccuPak codec |
  cllc.c | |
  cngdec.c | |
  cngenc.c | |
  codec_desc.c | |
  cook.c | Cook compatible decoder |
  cook_parser.c | Cook audio parser |
  cookdata.h | Cook AKA RealAudio G2 compatible decoderdata |
  cos_tablegen.c | |
  cpia.c | |
  crystalhd.c | |
  cscd.c | |
  cyuv.c | Creative YUV (CYUV) Video Decoder |
  dca.c | |
  dca.h | |
  dca_parser.c | |
  dca_parser.h | |
  dcadata.h | |
  dcadec.c | |
  dcadsp.c | |
  dcadsp.h | |
  dcaenc.c | |
  dcaenc.h | |
  dcahuff.h | |
  dct-test.c | DCT test (c) 2001 Fabrice Bellard Started from sample code by Juan J |
  dct.c | (Inverse) Discrete Cosine Transforms |
  dct.h | |
  dct32.c | |
  dct32.h | |
  dct32_fixed.c | |
  dct32_float.c | |
  dctref.c | Reference discrete cosine transform (double precision) |
  dctref.h | |
  dfa.c | |
  dirac.c | Dirac Decoder |
  dirac.h | Interface to Dirac Decoder/Encoder |
  dirac_arith.c | Arithmetic decoder for Dirac |
  dirac_arith.h | Arithmetic decoder for Dirac |
  dirac_parser.c | Dirac Parser |
  diracdec.c | Dirac Decoder |
  diracdsp.c | |
  diracdsp.h | |
  dnxhd_parser.c | DNxHD/VC-3 parser |
  dnxhddata.c | |
  dnxhddata.h | |
  dnxhddec.c | |
  dnxhdenc.c | |
  dnxhdenc.h | |
  dpcm.c | Assorted DPCM (differential pulse code modulation) audio codecs by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) Xan DPCM decoder by Mario Brito (mbrit.nosp@m.o@st.nosp@m.udent.nosp@m..dei.nosp@m..uc.p.nosp@m.t) for more information on the specific data formats, visit: http://www.pcisys.net/~melanson/codecs/simpleaudio.html SOL DPCMs implemented by Konstantin Shishkov |
  dpx.c | |
  dpxenc.c | |
  dsicinav.c | Delphine Software International CIN audio/video decoders |
  dsputil.c | DSP utils |
  dsputil.h | DSP utils |
  dsputil_template.c | DSP utils |
  dump_extradata_bsf.c | |
  dv.c | DV codec |
  dv_profile.c | |
  dv_profile.h | |
  dv_tablegen.c | |
  dv_tablegen.h | |
  dv_vlc_data.h | VLC constants for DV codec |
  dvbsub.c | |
  dvbsub_parser.c | |
  dvbsubdec.c | |
  dvdata.c | Constants for DV codec |
  dvdata.h | Constants for DV codec |
  dvdec.c | DV decoder |
  dvdsub_parser.c | |
  dvdsubdec.c | |
  dvdsubenc.c | |
  dwt.c | |
  dwt.h | |
  dxa.c | DXA Video decoder |
  dxtory.c | |
  dxva2.c | |
  dxva2.h | Public libavcodec DXVA2 header |
  dxva2_h264.c | |
  dxva2_internal.h | |
  dxva2_mpeg2.c | |
  dxva2_vc1.c | |
  eac3_data.c | Tables taken directly from the E-AC-3 spec |
  eac3_data.h | |
  eac3dec.c | |
  eac3enc.c | E-AC-3 encoder |
  eac3enc.h | E-AC-3 encoder |
  eacmv.c | Electronic Arts CMV Video Decoder by Peter Ross (pross.nosp@m.@xvi.nosp@m.d.org) |
  eaidct.c | Electronic Arts TGQ/TQI/MAD IDCT algorithm |
  eaidct.h | |
  eamad.c | Electronic Arts Madcow Video Decoder |
  eatgq.c | Electronic Arts TGQ Video Decoder |
  eatgv.c | Electronic Arts TGV Video Decoder by Peter Ross (pross.nosp@m.@xvi.nosp@m.d.org) |
  eatqi.c | Electronic Arts TQI Video Decoder |
  elbg.c | Codebook Generator using the ELBG algorithm |
  elbg.h | |
  error_resilience.c | Error resilience / concealment |
  escape124.c | |
  escape130.c | |
  exr.c | OpenEXR decoder |
  faandct.c | Floating point AAN DCT
  faandct.h | Floating point AAN DCT
  faanidct.c | |
  faanidct.h | |
  faxcompr.c | CCITT Fax Group 3 and 4 decompression |
  faxcompr.h | CCITT Fax Group 3 and 4 decompression |
  fft-fixed-test.c | |
  fft-internal.h | |
  fft-test.c | FFT and MDCT tests |
  fft.c | FFT/IFFT transforms |
  fft.h | |
  fft_fixed.c | |
  fft_float.c | |
  ffv1.c | FF Video Codec 1 (a lossless codec) |
  ffv1.h | FF Video Codec 1 (a lossless codec) |
  ffv1dec.c | FF Video Codec 1 (a lossless codec) decoder |
  ffv1enc.c | FF Video Codec 1 (a lossless codec) encoder |
  ffwavesynth.c | |
  flac.c | |
  flac.h | FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) decoder/demuxer common functions |
  flac_parser.c | FLAC parser |
  flacdata.c | |
  flacdata.h | |
  flacdec.c | FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) decoder |
  flacdsp.c | |
  flacdsp.h | |
  flacdsp_lpc_template.c | |
  flacdsp_template.c | |
  flacenc.c | |
  flashsv.c | Flash Screen Video decoder |
  flashsv2enc.c | Flash Screen Video Version 2 encoder |
  flashsvenc.c | Flash Screen Video encoder |
  flicvideo.c | Autodesk Animator FLI/FLC Video Decoder by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) for more information on the .fli/.flc file format and all of its many variations, visit: http://www.compuphase.com/flic.htm |
  flv.h | |
  flvdec.c | |
  flvenc.c | |
  fmtconvert.c | |
  fmtconvert.h | |
  frame_thread_encoder.c | |
  frame_thread_encoder.h | |
  fraps.c | Lossless Fraps 'FPS1' decoder |
  frwu.c | |
  g722.c | G.722 ADPCM audio codec |
  g722.h | |
  g722dec.c | G.722 ADPCM audio decoder |
  g722enc.c | G.722 ADPCM audio encoder |
  g723_1.c | G.723.1 compatible decoder |
  g723_1_data.h | G723.1 compatible decoder data tables |
  g726.c | |
  g729.h | |
  g729data.h | |
  g729dec.c | |
  g729postfilter.c | |
  g729postfilter.h | |
  get_bits.h | Bitstream reader API header |
  gif.c | |
  gif.h | GIF format definitions |
  gifdec.c | |
  golomb-test.c | |
  golomb.c | exp golomb vlc stuff
  golomb.h | exp golomb vlc stuff
  gsm.h | |
  gsm_parser.c | GSM audio parser |
  gsmdec.c | GSM decoder |
  gsmdec_data.c | |
  gsmdec_data.h | |
  gsmdec_template.c | GSM decoder |
  h261.c | H261codec |
  h261.h | H261codec |
  h261_parser.c | H261codec |
  h261data.c | H.261 tables |
  h261data.h | H.261 tables |
  h261dec.c | H.261 decoder |
  h261enc.c | H.261 encoder |
  h263.c | H263/mpeg4 codec |
  h263.h | |
  h263_parser.c | H.263 parser |
  h263_parser.h | |
  h263data.h | H.263 tables |
  h263dec.c | H.263 decoder |
  h264.c | H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 codec |
  h264.h | H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 codec |
  h264_cabac.c | H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 cabac decoding |
  h264_cavlc.c | H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 cavlc bitstream decoding |
  h264_direct.c | H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 direct mb/block decoding |
  h264_loopfilter.c | H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 loop filter |
  h264_mb_template.c | |
  h264_mc_template.c | |
  h264_mp4toannexb_bsf.c | |
  h264_mvpred.h | H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 motion vector predicion |
  h264_parser.c | H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 parser |
  h264_ps.c | H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 parameter set decoding |
  h264_refs.c | H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 reference picture handling |
  h264_sei.c | H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 sei decoding |
  h264data.h | H264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 codec data table
  h264dsp.c | H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 DSP functions |
  h264dsp.h | H.264 DSP functions |
  h264dsp_template.c | H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 DSP functions |
  h264idct.c | H.264 IDCT |
  h264idct_template.c | H.264 IDCT |
  h264pred.c | H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 prediction functions |
  h264pred.h | H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 prediction functions |
  h264pred_template.c | H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 prediction functions |
  huffman.c | Huffman tree builder and VLC generator |
  huffman.h | Huffman tree builder and VLC generator |
  huffyuv.c | Huffyuv codec for libavcodec |
  huffyuv.h | Huffyuv codec for libavcodec |
  huffyuvdec.c | Huffyuv decoder |
  huffyuvenc.c | Huffyuv encoder |
  idcinvideo.c | Id Quake II Cin Video Decoder by Dr |
  iff.c | IFF ACBM/DEEP/ILBM/PBM bitmap decoder |
  iirfilter.c | Different IIR filters implementation |
  iirfilter.h | IIR filter interface |
  imc.c | IMC - Intel Music Coder A mdct based codec using a 256 points large transform divided into 32 bands with some mix of scale factors |
  imcdata.h | |
  imgconvert.c | Misc image conversion routines |
  imx_dump_header_bsf.c | Imx dump header bitstream filter modifies bitstream to fit in mov and be decoded by final cut pro decoder |
  indeo2.c | Intel Indeo 2 decoder |
  indeo2data.h | |
  indeo3.c | This is a decoder for Intel Indeo Video v3 |
  indeo3data.h | |
  indeo4.c | Indeo Video Interactive version 4 decoder |
  indeo4data.h | This file contains data needed for the Indeo 4 decoder |
  indeo5.c | Indeo Video Interactive version 5 decoder |
  indeo5data.h | This file contains data needed for the Indeo5 decoder |
  intelh263dec.c | |
  internal.h | Common internal api header |
  interplayvideo.c | Interplay MVE Video Decoder by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) For more information about the Interplay MVE format, visit: http://www.pcisys.net/~melanson/codecs/interplay-mve.txt This code is written in such a way that the identifiers match up with the encoding descriptions in the document |
  intrax8.c | IntraX8 (J-Frame) subdecoder, used by WMV2 and VC-1 |
  intrax8.h | |
  intrax8dsp.c | IntraX8 frame subdecoder image manipulation routines |
  intrax8dsp.h | |
  intrax8huf.h | |
  ituh263dec.c | H263 decoder |
  ituh263enc.c | H263 bitstream encoder |
  ivi_common.c | This file contains functions and data shared by both Indeo4 and Indeo5 decoders |
  ivi_common.h | This file contains structures and macros shared by both Indeo4 and Indeo5 decoders |
  ivi_dsp.c | DSP functions (inverse transforms, motion compensation, wavelet recompostions) for Indeo Video Interactive codecs |
  ivi_dsp.h | DSP functions (inverse transforms, motion compensations, wavelet recompostion) for Indeo Video Interactive codecs |
  j2k.c | JPEG2000 image encoder and decoder common functions |
  j2k.h | JPEG2000 tables |
  j2k_dwt.c | Discrete wavelet transform |
  j2k_dwt.h | Discrete wavelet transform |
  j2kdec.c | JPEG2000 image decoder |
  j2kenc.c | JPEG2000 image encoder |
  jacosub.h | JACOsub shared utils |
  jacosubdec.c | JACOsub subtitle decoder |
  jfdctfst.c | Independent JPEG Group's fast AAN dct |
  jfdctint.c | |
  jfdctint_template.c | Independent JPEG Group's slow & accurate dct |
  jpegls.c | JPEG-LS common code |
  jpegls.h | JPEG-LS common code |
  jpeglsdec.c | JPEG-LS decoder |
  jpeglsdec.h | JPEG-LS decoder |
  jpeglsenc.c | JPEG-LS encoder |
  jrevdct.c | Independent JPEG Group's LLM idct |
  jvdec.c | Bitmap Brothers JV video decoder |
  kbdwin.c | |
  kbdwin.h | |
  kgv1dec.c | Kega Game Video decoder |
  kmvc.c | Karl Morton's Video Codec decoder |
  lagarith.c | Lagarith lossless decoder |
  lagarithrac.c | Lagarith range decoder |
  lagarithrac.h | Lagarith range decoder |
  latm_parser.c | AAC LATM parser |
  lcl.h | |
  lcldec.c | LCL (LossLess Codec Library) Video Codec Decoder for MSZH and ZLIB codecs Experimental encoder for ZLIB RGB24 |
  lclenc.c | LCL (LossLess Codec Library) Video Codec Decoder for MSZH and ZLIB codecs Experimental encoder for ZLIB RGB24 |
  libaacplus.c | Interface to libaacplus for aac+ (sbr+ps) encoding |
  libcelt_dec.c | |
  libfaac.c | Interface to libfaac for aac encoding |
  libfdk-aacenc.c | |
  libgsm.c | Interface to libgsm for gsm encoding/decoding |
  libilbc.c | |
  libmp3lame.c | Interface to libmp3lame for mp3 encoding |
  libopencore-amr.c | |
  libopenjpegdec.c | JPEG 2000 decoder using libopenjpeg |
  libopenjpegenc.c | JPEG 2000 encoder using libopenjpeg |
  libopus.c | |
  libopus.h | |
  libopusdec.c | |
  libopusenc.c | |
  libschroedinger.c | Function definitions common to libschroedinger decoder and encoder |
  libschroedinger.h | Data structures common to libschroedinger decoder and encoder |
  libschroedingerdec.c | Dirac decoder support via libschroedinger-1.0 libraries |
  libschroedingerenc.c | Dirac encoder support via libschroedinger-1.0 libraries |
  libspeexdec.c | |
  libspeexenc.c | Libspeex Speex audio encoder |
  libstagefright.cpp | |
  libtheoraenc.c | Theora encoder using libtheora |
  libtwolame.c | Interface to libtwolame for mp2 encoding |
  libutvideo.h | Known FOURCCs: 'ULY0' (YCbCr 4:2:0), 'ULY2' (YCbCr 4:2:2), 'ULRG' (RGB), 'ULRA' (RGBA) |
  libutvideodec.cpp | Known FOURCCs: 'ULY0' (YCbCr 4:2:0), 'ULY2' (YCbCr 4:2:2), 'ULRG' (RGB), 'ULRA' (RGBA) |
  libutvideoenc.cpp | Known FOURCCs: 'ULY0' (YCbCr 4:2:0), 'ULY2' (YCbCr 4:2:2), 'ULRG' (RGB), 'ULRA' (RGBA) |
  libvo-aacenc.c | |
  libvo-amrwbenc.c | |
  libvorbisdec.c | |
  libvorbisenc.c | |
  libvpxdec.c | VP8 decoder support via libvpx |
  libvpxenc.c | VP8 encoder support via libvpx |
  libx264.c | |
  libxavs.c | |
  libxvid.c | Interface to xvidcore for MPEG-4 compliant encoding |
  libxvid.h | Common functions for use with the Xvid wrappers |
  libxvid_rc.c | |
  ljpegenc.c | Lossless JPEG encoder |
  loco.c | LOCO codec |
  log2_tab.c | |
  lpc.c | |
  lpc.h | |
  lsp.c | |
  lsp.h | |
  lzw.c | LZW decoding routines |
  lzw.h | LZW decoding routines |
  lzwenc.c | LZW encoder |
  mace.c | MACE decoder |
  mathops.h | |
  mathtables.c | |
  mdct.c | MDCT/IMDCT transforms |
  mdct_fixed.c | |
  mdct_float.c | |
  mdec.c | Sony PlayStation MDEC (Motion DECoder) This is very similar to intra-only MPEG-1 |
  microdvddec.c | MicroDVD subtitle decoder |
  mimic.c | |
  mjpeg.c | MJPEG encoder and decoder |
  mjpeg.h | MJPEG encoder and decoder |
  mjpeg2jpeg_bsf.c | |
  mjpeg_parser.c | MJPEG parser |
  mjpega_dump_header_bsf.c | MJPEG A dump header bitstream filter modifies bitstream to be decoded by quicktime |
  mjpegbdec.c | Apple MJPEG-B decoder |
  mjpegdec.c | MJPEG decoder |
  mjpegdec.h | MJPEG decoder |
  mjpegenc.c | MJPEG encoder |
  mjpegenc.h | MJPEG encoder |
  mlp.c | |
  mlp.h | |
  mlp_parser.c | MLP parser |
  mlp_parser.h | MLP parser prototypes |
  mlpdec.c | MLP decoder |
  mlpdsp.c | |
  mlpdsp.h | |
  mmvideo.c | American Laser Games MM Video Decoder by Peter Ross (pross.nosp@m.@xvi.nosp@m.d.org) |
  motion-test.c | Motion test |
  motion_est.c | Motion estimation |
  motion_est_template.c | Motion estimation template |
  motionpixels.c | |
  motionpixels_tablegen.c | |
  motionpixels_tablegen.h | |
  movsub_bsf.c | |
  movtextdec.c | |
  movtextenc.c | |
  mp3_header_compress_bsf.c | |
  mp3_header_decompress_bsf.c | |
  mpc.c | Musepack decoder core MPEG Audio Layer 1/2 -like codec with frames of 1152 samples divided into 32 subbands |
  mpc.h | Musepack decoder MPEG Audio Layer 1/2 -like codec with frames of 1152 samples divided into 32 subbands |
  mpc7.c | MPEG Audio Layer 1/2 -like codec with frames of 1152 samples divided into 32 subbands |
  mpc7data.h | |
  mpc8.c | MPEG Audio Layer 1/2 -like codec with frames of 1152 samples divided into 32 subbands |
  mpc8data.h | |
  mpc8huff.h | |
  mpcdata.h | |
  mpeg12.c | MPEG-1/2 decoder |
  mpeg12.h | |
  mpeg12data.c | MPEG1/2 tables |
  mpeg12data.h | MPEG1/2 tables |
  mpeg12decdata.h | MPEG1/2 decoder tables |
  mpeg12enc.c | MPEG1/2 encoder |
  mpeg4audio.c | |
  mpeg4audio.h | |
  mpeg4data.h | Mpeg4 tables |
  mpeg4video.c | |
  mpeg4video.h | |
  mpeg4video_parser.c | |
  mpeg4video_parser.h | |
  mpeg4videodec.c | |
  mpeg4videoenc.c | |
  mpegaudio.c | MPEG Audio common code |
  mpegaudio.h | Mpeg audio declarations for both encoder and decoder |
  mpegaudio_parser.c | |
  mpegaudio_tablegen.c | |
  mpegaudio_tablegen.h | |
  mpegaudiodata.c | Mpeg audio layer common tables |
  mpegaudiodata.h | Mpeg audio layer common tables |
  mpegaudiodec.c | MPEG Audio decoder |
  mpegaudiodec_float.c | |
  mpegaudiodecheader.c | MPEG Audio header decoder |
  mpegaudiodecheader.h | MPEG Audio header decoder |
  mpegaudiodectab.h | Mpeg audio layer decoder tables |
  mpegaudiodsp.c | |
  mpegaudiodsp.h | |
  mpegaudiodsp_data.c | |
  mpegaudiodsp_fixed.c | |
  mpegaudiodsp_float.c | |
  mpegaudiodsp_template.c | |
  mpegaudioenc.c | The simplest mpeg audio layer 2 encoder |
  mpegaudiotab.h | Mpeg audio layer 2 tables |
  mpegvideo.c | The simplest mpeg encoder (well, it was the simplest!) |
  mpegvideo.h | Mpegvideo header |
  mpegvideo_enc.c | The simplest mpeg encoder (well, it was the simplest!) |
  mpegvideo_motion.c | |
  mpegvideo_parser.c | |
  mpegvideo_xvmc.c | |
  mpl2dec.c | MPL2 subtitles decoder |
  mqc.c | MQ-coder ecoder and decoder common functions |
  mqc.h | MQ-coder |
  mqcdec.c | MQ-coder decoder |
  mqcenc.c | MQ-coder encoder |
  msgsmdec.c | |
  msgsmdec.h | |
  msmpeg4.c | MSMPEG4 backend for encoder and decoder |
  msmpeg4.h | |
  msmpeg4data.c | MSMPEG4 data tables |
  msmpeg4data.h | MSMPEG4 data tables |
  msmpeg4enc.c | MSMPEG4 encoder backend |
  msrle.c | MS RLE video decoder by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) For more information about the MS RLE format, visit: http://www.pcisys.net/~melanson/codecs/ |
  msrledec.c | MS RLE decoder based on decoder by Mike Melanson and my own for TSCC For more information about the MS RLE format, visit: http://www.multimedia.cx/msrle.txt |
  msrledec.h | |
  mss1.c | Microsoft Screen 1 (aka Windows Media Video V7 Screen) decoder |
  mss12.c | Common functions for Microsoft Screen 1 and 2 |
  mss12.h | Common header for Microsoft Screen 1 and 2 |
  mss2.c | Microsoft Screen 2 (aka Windows Media Video V9 Screen) decoder |
  mss2dsp.c | Microsoft Screen 2 (aka Windows Media Video V9 Screen) decoder DSP routines |
  mss2dsp.h | Microsoft Screen 2 (aka Windows Media Video V9 Screen) decoder DSP routines |
  mss3.c | Microsoft Screen 3 (aka Microsoft ATC Screen) decoder |
  mss34dsp.c | |
  mss34dsp.h | |
  mss4.c | Microsoft Screen 4 (aka Microsoft Titanium Screen 2, aka Microsoft Expression Encoder Screen) decoder |
  msvideo1.c | Microsoft Video-1 Decoder by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) For more information about the MS Video-1 format, visit: http://www.pcisys.net/~melanson/codecs/ |
  msvideo1enc.c | Microsoft Video-1 encoder |
  mvcdec.c | Silicon Graphics Motion Video Compressor 1 & 2 decoder |
  mxpegdec.c | MxPEG decoder |
  nellymoser.c | The 3 alphanumeric copyright notices are md5summed they are from the original implementors |
  nellymoser.h | The 3 alphanumeric copyright notices are md5summed they are from the original implementors |
  nellymoserdec.c | The 3 alphanumeric copyright notices are md5summed they are from the original implementors |
  nellymoserenc.c | Nellymoser encoder by Bartlomiej Wolowiec |
  noise_bsf.c | |
  nuv.c | |
  old_codec_ids.h | |
  options.c | Options definition for AVCodecContext |
  options_table.h | |
  os2threads.h | Os2threads to pthreads wrapper |
  paf.c | |
  paf.h | |
  pamenc.c | |
  parser.c | |
  parser.h | |
  pcm-mpeg.c | PCM codecs for encodings found in MPEG streams (DVD/Blu-ray) |
  pcm.c | PCM codecs |
  pcm_tablegen.c | |
  pcm_tablegen.h | |
  pcx.c | |
  pcxenc.c | PCX image encoder |
  pgssubdec.c | PGS subtitle decoder |
  pictordec.c | Pictor/PC Paint decoder |
  png.c | |
  png.h | |
  png_parser.c | PNG parser |
  pngdec.c | |
  pngdsp.c | |
  pngdsp.h | |
  pngenc.c | |
  pnm.c | |
  pnm.h | |
  pnm_parser.c | |
  pnmdec.c | |
  pnmenc.c | |
  proresdata.c | |
  proresdata.h | |
  proresdec.h | |
  proresdec2.c | Known FOURCCs: 'apch' (HQ), 'apcn' (SD), 'apcs' (LT), 'acpo' (Proxy), 'ap4h' (4444) |
  proresdec_lgpl.c | This is a decoder for Apple ProRes 422 SD/HQ/LT/Proxy and ProRes 4444 |
  proresdsp.c | |
  proresdsp.h | |
  proresenc_anatoliy.c | Apple ProRes encoder (Anatoliy Wasserman version) Known FOURCCs: 'apch' (HQ), 'apcn' (SD), 'apcs' (LT), 'acpo' (Proxy) |
  proresenc_kostya.c | |
  psymodel.c | |
  psymodel.h | |
  pthread.c | Multithreading support functions |
  ptx.c | |
  put_bits.h | Bitstream writer API |
  qcelpdata.h | Data tables for the QCELP decoder |
  qcelpdec.c | QCELP decoder |
  qdm2.c | QDM2 decoder |
  qdm2_tablegen.c | |
  qdm2_tablegen.h | |
  qdm2data.h | Various QDM2 tables |
  qdrw.c | Apple QuickDraw codec |
  qpeg.c | QPEG codec |
  qtrle.c | QT RLE Video Decoder by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) For more information about the QT RLE format, visit: http://www.pcisys.net/~melanson/codecs/ |
  qtrleenc.c | |
  r210dec.c | |
  r210enc.c | |
  ra144.c | |
  ra144.h | |
  ra144dec.c | |
  ra144enc.c | Real Audio 1.0 (14.4K) encoder |
  ra288.c | |
  ra288.h | |
  ralf.c | This is a decoder for Real Audio Lossless format |
  ralfdata.h | |
  rangecoder.c | Range coder |
  rangecoder.h | Range coder |
  ratecontrol.c | Rate control for video encoders |
  ratecontrol.h | Ratecontrol header |
  raw.c | Raw Video Codec |
  raw.h | Raw Video Codec |
  rawdec.c | Raw Video Decoder |
  rawenc.c | Raw Video Encoder |
  rdft.c | (Inverse) Real Discrete Fourier Transforms |
  rdft.h | |
  realtextdec.c | RealText subtitle decoder |
  rectangle.h | Useful rectangle filling function |
  remove_extradata_bsf.c | |
  resample.c | Samplerate conversion for both audio and video |
  resample2.c | Audio resampling |
  rl.h | Rl header |
  rl2.c | RL2 Video Decoder |
  rle.c | |
  rle.h | |
  roqaudioenc.c | |
  roqvideo.c | Id RoQ Video common functions based on work by Dr |
  roqvideo.h | |
  roqvideodec.c | Id RoQ Video Decoder by Dr |
  roqvideoenc.c | Id RoQ encoder by Vitor |
  rpza.c | QT RPZA Video Decoder by Roberto Togni For more information about the RPZA format, visit: http://www.pcisys.net/~melanson/codecs/ |
  rtjpeg.c | |
  rtjpeg.h | |
  rv10.c | RV10/RV20 decoder |
  rv10enc.c | RV10 encoder |
  rv20enc.c | RV20 encoder |
  rv30.c | RV30 decoder |
  rv30data.h | Miscellaneous RV30 tables |
  rv30dsp.c | RV30 decoder motion compensation functions |
  rv34.c | RV30/40 decoder common data |
  rv34.h | RV30 and RV40 decoder common data declarations |
  rv34_parser.c | RV30/40 parser |
  rv34data.h | Miscellaneous RV30/40 tables |
  rv34dsp.c | RV30/40 decoder common dsp functions |
  rv34dsp.h | RV30/40 decoder motion compensation functions |
  rv34vlc.h | RV30/40 VLC tables |
  rv40.c | RV40 decoder |
  rv40data.h | Miscellaneous RV40 tables |
  rv40dsp.c | RV40 decoder motion compensation functions |
  rv40vlc2.h | RV40 VLC tables used for macroblock information decoding |
  s302m.c | |
  s3tc.c | |
  s3tc.h | |
  samidec.c | SAMI subtitle decoder |
  sanm.c | |
  sanm_data.h | |
  sbr.h | Spectral Band Replication definitions and structures |
  sbrdsp.c | |
  sbrdsp.h | |
  sgi.h | |
  sgidec.c | |
  sgienc.c | |
  sgirledec.c | SGI RLE 8-bit decoder |
  shorten.c | Shorten decoder |
  simple_idct.c | Simpleidct in C |
  simple_idct.h | Simple idct header |
  simple_idct_template.c | Simpleidct in C |
  sinewin.c | |
  sinewin.h | |
  sinewin_tablegen.c | |
  sinewin_tablegen.h | |
  sipr.c | |
  sipr.h | |
  sipr16k.c | |
  sipr16kdata.h | |
  siprdata.h | |
  smacker.c | Smacker decoder |
  smc.c | QT SMC Video Decoder by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) For more information about the SMC format, visit: http://www.pcisys.net/~melanson/codecs/ |
  snow.c | |
  snow.h | |
  snowdata.h | |
  snowdec.c | |
  snowenc.c | |
  sonic.c | Simple free lossless/lossy audio codec Based on Paul Francis Harrison's Bonk (http://www.logarithmic.net/pfh/bonk) Written and designed by Alex Beregszaszi |
  sp5x.h | |
  sp5xdec.c | Sunplus JPEG decoder (SP5X) |
  srtdec.c | |
  srtenc.c | |
  subviewerdec.c | SubViewer subtitle decoder |
  sunrast.c | |
  sunrast.h | |
  sunrastenc.c | |
  svq1.c | Sorenson Vector Quantizer #1 (SVQ1) video codec |
  svq1.h | Sorenson Vector Quantizer #1 (SVQ1) video codec |
  svq13.c | |
  svq1_cb.h | Svq1 code books |
  svq1_vlc.h | |
  svq1dec.c | Sorenson Vector Quantizer #1 (SVQ1) video codec |
  svq1enc.c | Sorenson Vector Quantizer #1 (SVQ1) video codec |
  svq1enc_cb.h | Svq1 code books |
  svq3.c | Svq3 decoder |
  synth_filter.c | |
  synth_filter.h | |
  tableprint.h | |
  tak.c | |
  tak.h | TAK (Tom's lossless Audio Kompressor) decoder/demuxer common functions |
  tak_parser.c | TAK parser |
  takdec.c | TAK (Tom's lossless Audio Kompressor) decoder |
  targa.c | |
  targa.h | Targa file common definitions |
  targa_y216dec.c | |
  targaenc.c | |
  textdec.c | Raw subtitles decoder |
  thread.h | Multithreading support functions |
  tiertexseqv.c | Tiertex Limited SEQ video decoder |
  tiff.c | TIFF image decoder |
  tiff.h | TIFF tables |
  tiff_data.c | TIFF data tables |
  tiff_data.h | TIFF data tables |
  tiffenc.c | TIFF image encoder |
  timecode.c | Timecode helpers This private API is deprecated, please use the one available in libavutil instead |
  timecode.h | Timecode helpers header This private API is deprecated, please use the one available in libavutil instead |
  tmv.c | 8088flex TMV video decoder |
  truemotion1.c | Duck TrueMotion v1 Video Decoder by Alex Beregszaszi and Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) |
  truemotion1data.h | |
  truemotion2.c | Duck TrueMotion2 decoder |
  truespeech.c | TrueSpeech decoder |
  truespeech_data.h | |
  tscc.c | TechSmith Camtasia decoder |
  tscc2.c | TechSmith Screen Codec 2 decoder |
  tscc2data.h | |
  tta.c | TTA (The Lossless True Audio) decoder |
  twinvq.c | |
  twinvq_data.h | |
  txd.c | |
  ulti.c | IBM Ultimotion Video Decoder |
  ulti_cb.h | |
  unary.h | |
  utils.c | Utils |
  utvideo.c | Common Ut Video code |
  utvideo.h | Common Ut Video header |
  utvideodec.c | Ut Video decoder |
  utvideoenc.c | Ut Video encoder |
  v210dec.c | |
  v210dec.h | |
  v210enc.c | |
  v210x.c | |
  v308dec.c | |
  v308enc.c | |
  v408dec.c | |
  v408enc.c | |
  v410dec.c | |
  v410enc.c | |
  vaapi.c | |
  vaapi.h | Public libavcodec VA API header |
  vaapi_h264.c | This file implements the glue code between FFmpeg's and VA API's structures for H.264 decoding |
  vaapi_internal.h | |
  vaapi_mpeg2.c | |
  vaapi_mpeg4.c | |
  vaapi_vc1.c | |
  vb.c | VB Video decoder |
  vble.c | VBLE Decoder |
  vc1.c | VC-1 and WMV3 decoder common code |
  vc1.h | |
  vc1_parser.c | VC-1 and WMV3 parser |
  vc1acdata.h | |
  vc1data.c | VC-1 tables |
  vc1data.h | VC-1 tables |
  vc1dec.c | VC-1 and WMV3 decoder |
  vc1dsp.c | VC-1 and WMV3 decoder |
  vc1dsp.h | VC-1 and WMV3 decoder |
  vcr1.c | ATI VCR1 codec |
  vda.h | Public libavcodec VDA header |
  vda_h264.c | |
  vda_h264_dec.c | H.264 decoder via VDA |
  vdpau.c | |
  vdpau.h | Public libavcodec VDPAU header |
  vdpau_internal.h | |
  version.h | Libavcodec version macros |
  videodsp.c | |
  videodsp.h | Core video DSP helper functions |
  videodsp_template.c | |
  vima.c | |
  vmdav.c | Sierra VMD audio & video decoders by Vladimir "VAG" Gneushev (vagsoft at mail.ru) for more information on the Sierra VMD format, visit: http://www.pcisys.net/~melanson/codecs/ |
  vmnc.c | VMware Screen Codec (VMnc) decoder As Alex Beregszaszi discovered, this is effectively RFB data dump |
  vorbis.c | Common code for Vorbis I encoder and decoder |
  vorbis.h | |
  vorbis_data.c | |
  vorbis_enc_data.h | |
  vorbis_parser.c | Vorbis audio parser |
  vorbis_parser.h | Vorbis audio parser |
  vorbisdec.c | Vorbis I decoder |
  vorbisenc.c | Native Vorbis encoder |
  vp3.c | On2 VP3 Video Decoder |
  vp3_parser.c | |
  vp3data.h | |
  vp3dsp.c | Standard C DSP-oriented functions cribbed from the original VP3 source code |
  vp3dsp.h | |
  vp5.c | VP5 compatible video decoder |
  vp56.c | VP5 and VP6 compatible video decoder (common features) |
  vp56.h | VP5 and VP6 compatible video decoder (common features) |
  vp56data.c | VP5 and VP6 compatible video decoder (common data) |
  vp56data.h | VP5 and VP6 compatible video decoder (common data) |
  vp56dsp.c | |
  vp56dsp.h | |
  vp56rac.c | |
  vp5data.h | VP5 compatible video decoder |
  vp6.c | VP6 compatible video decoder |
  vp6data.h | VP6 compatible video decoder |
  vp6dsp.c | VP6 DSP-oriented functions |
  vp8.c | |
  vp8.h | |
  vp8_parser.c | |
  vp8data.h | VP8 compatible video decoder |
  vp8dsp.c | VP8 compatible video decoder |
  vp8dsp.h | VP8 compatible video decoder |
  vqavideo.c | VQA Video Decoder |
  w32pthreads.h | W32threads to pthreads wrapper |
  wavpack.c | WavPack lossless audio decoder |
  webvttdec.c | WebVTT subtitle decoder |
  wma.c | |
  wma.h | |
  wma_common.c | |
  wma_common.h | |
  wmadata.h | Various WMA tables |
  wmadec.c | WMA compatible decoder |
  wmaenc.c | |
  wmalosslessdec.c | |
  wmaprodata.h | Tables for wmapro decoding |
  wmaprodec.c | Wmapro decoder implementation Wmapro is an MDCT based codec comparable to wma standard or AAC |
  wmavoice.c | Windows Media Audio Voice compatible decoder |
  wmavoice_data.h | Windows Media Voice (WMAVoice) tables |
  wmv2.c | |
  wmv2.h | |
  wmv2dec.c | |
  wmv2enc.c | |
  wnv1.c | Winnov WNV1 codec |
  ws-snd1.c | Westwood SNDx codecs |
  xan.c | Xan video decoder for Wing Commander III computer game by Mario Brito (mbrit.nosp@m.o@st.nosp@m.udent.nosp@m..dei.nosp@m..uc.p.nosp@m.t) and Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) |
  xbmdec.c | |
  xbmenc.c | |
  xface.c | X-Face common data and utilities definition |
  xface.h | X-Face common definitions |
  xfacedec.c | X-Face decoder, based on libcompface, by James Ashton |
  xfaceenc.c | X-Face encoder, based on libcompface, by James Ashton |
  xiph.c | |
  xiph.h | |
  xl.c | Miro VideoXL codec |
  xsubdec.c | |
  xsubenc.c | |
  xvmc.h | Public libavcodec XvMC header |
  xvmc_internal.h | |
  xwd.h | |
  xwddec.c | |
  xwdenc.c | |
  xxan.c | |
  y41pdec.c | |
  y41penc.c | |
  yop.c | |
  yuv4dec.c | |
  yuv4enc.c | |
  zerocodec.c | |
  zmbv.c | Zip Motion Blocks Video decoder |
  zmbvenc.c | Zip Motion Blocks Video encoder |
 libavdevice | |
  alldevices.c | |
  alsa-audio-common.c | ALSA input and output: common code |
  alsa-audio-dec.c | ALSA input and output: input |
  alsa-audio-enc.c | ALSA input and output: output |
  alsa-audio.h | ALSA input and output: definitions and structures |
  avdevice.c | |
  avdevice.h | Main libavdevice API header |
  bktr.c | |
  caca.c | |
  dshow.c | |
  dshow_capture.h | |
  dshow_common.c | |
  dshow_enummediatypes.c | |
  dshow_enumpins.c | |
  dshow_filter.c | |
  dshow_pin.c | |
  dv1394.c | |
  dv1394.h | |
  fbdev.c | Linux framebuffer input device, inspired by code from fbgrab.c by Gunnar Monell |
  iec61883.c | Libiec61883 interface |
  jack_audio.c | |
  lavfi.c | Libavfilter virtual input device |
  libcdio.c | Libcdio CD grabbing |
  libdc1394.c | |
  openal-dec.c | OpenAL 1.1 capture device for libavdevice |
  oss_audio.c | |
  pulse.c | PulseAudio input using the simple API |
  sdl.c | LibSDL output device |
  sndio_common.c | |
  sndio_common.h | |
  sndio_dec.c | |
  sndio_enc.c | |
  timefilter.c | |
  timefilter.h | |
  v4l.c | |
  v4l2.c | Video4Linux2 grab interface |
  version.h | Libavdevice version macros |
  vfwcap.c | |
  x11grab.c | X11 frame device demuxer |
 libavfilter | |
  libmpcodecs | |
   libvo | |
    fastmemcpy.h | |
    video_out.h | |
   cpudetect.h | |
   help_mp.h | |
   img_format.c | |
   img_format.h | |
   mp_image.c | |
   mp_image.h | |
   mp_msg.h | |
   mpbswap.h | |
   mpc_info.h | |
   pullup.c | |
   pullup.h | |
   vd_ffmpeg.h | |
   vf.h | |
   vf_detc.c | |
   vf_dint.c | |
   vf_divtc.c | |
   vf_down3dright.c | |
   vf_dsize.c | |
   vf_eq.c | |
   vf_eq2.c | |
   vf_fil.c | |
   vf_filmdint.c | |
   vf_fspp.c | |
   vf_harddup.c | |
   vf_il.c | |
   vf_ilpack.c | |
   vf_ivtc.c | |
   vf_kerndeint.c | |
   vf_mcdeint.c | |
   vf_noise.c | |
   vf_ow.c | |
   vf_perspective.c | |
   vf_phase.c | |
   vf_pp7.c | |
   vf_pullup.c | |
   vf_qp.c | |
   vf_sab.c | |
   vf_scale.h | |
   vf_softpulldown.c | |
   vf_softskip.c | |
   vf_spp.c | |
   vf_stereo3d.c | |
   vf_telecine.c | |
   vf_tinterlace.c | |
   vf_unsharp.c | |
   vf_uspp.c | |
   vfcap.h | |
  x86 | |
   af_volume_init.c | |
   gradfun.c | |
   yadif.c | |
   yadif_template.c | |
  af_aconvert.c | Sample format and channel layout conversion audio filter |
  af_aformat.c | Format audio filter |
  af_amerge.c | Audio merging filter |
  af_amix.c | Audio Mix Filter |
  af_anull.c | Null audio filter |
  af_apad.c | Audio pad filter |
  af_aresample.c | Resampling audio filter |
  af_asetnsamples.c | Filter that changes number of samples on single output operation |
  af_ashowinfo.c | Filter for showing textual audio frame information |
  af_astreamsync.c | Stream (de)synchronization filter |
  af_asyncts.c | |
  af_atempo.c | Tempo scaling audio filter – an implementation of WSOLA algorithm |
  af_channelmap.c | Audio channel mapping filter |
  af_channelsplit.c | Channel split filter |
  af_earwax.c | Stereo Widening Effect |
  af_join.c | Audio join filter |
  af_pan.c | Audio panning filter (channels mixing) Original code written by Anders Johansson for MPlayer, reimplemented for FFmpeg |
  af_resample.c | Sample format and channel layout conversion audio filter |
  af_silencedetect.c | Audio silence detector |
  af_volume.c | Audio volume filter |
  af_volume.h | Audio volume filter |
  af_volumedetect.c | |
  all_channel_layouts.inc | |
  allfilters.c | |
  asink_anullsink.c | |
  asrc_abuffer.h | Memory buffer source for audio |
  asrc_aevalsrc.c | Eval audio source |
  asrc_anullsrc.c | Null audio source |
  asrc_flite.c | Flite voice synth source |
  audio.c | |
  audio.h | |
  avcodec.c | Libavcodec/libavfilter gluing utilities |
  avcodec.h | Libavcodec/libavfilter gluing utilities |
  avf_concat.c | Concat audio-video filter |
  avf_showspectrum.c | Audio to spectrum (video) transmedia filter, based on ffplay rdft showmode (by Michael Niedermayer) and lavfi/avf_showwaves (by Stefano Sabatini) |
  avf_showwaves.c | Audio to video multimedia filter |
  avfilter.c | |
  avfilter.h | External API header |
  avfiltergraph.c | |
  avfiltergraph.h | |
  bbox.c | |
  bbox.h | |
  buffer.c | |
  bufferqueue.h | |
  buffersink.c | Buffer sink |
  buffersink.h | Memory buffer sink API for audio and video |
  buffersrc.c | Memory buffer source filter |
  buffersrc.h | Memory buffer source API |
  drawutils.c | |
  drawutils.h | Misc drawing utilities |
  f_ebur128.c | EBU R.128 implementation |
  f_select.c | Filter for selecting which frame passes in the filterchain |
  f_sendcmd.c | Send commands filter |
  f_setpts.c | Video presentation timestamp (PTS) modification filter |
  f_settb.c | Set timebase for the output link |
  fifo.c | FIFO buffering filter |
  filtfmts.c | |
  formats.c | |
  formats.h | |
  gradfun.h | |
  graphdump.c | |
  graphparser.c | |
  internal.h | Internal API functions |
  lavfutils.c | |
  lavfutils.h | Miscellaneous utilities which make use of the libavformat library |
  lswsutils.c | |
  lswsutils.h | Miscellaneous utilities which make use of the libswscale library |
  sink_buffer.c | Buffer sink |
  split.c | Audio and video splitter |
  src_buffer.c | Memory buffer source filter |
  src_movie.c | Movie video source |
  transform.c | Transform input video |
  transform.h | Transform input video |
  version.h | Libavfilter version macros |
  vf_alphaextract.c | Simple channel-swapping filter to get at the alpha component |
  vf_alphamerge.c | Copy an alpha component from another video's luma |
  vf_aspect.c | Aspect ratio modification video filters |
  vf_ass.c | Libass subtitles burning filter |
  vf_bbox.c | Bounding box detection filter |
  vf_blackdetect.c | Video black detector, loosely based on blackframe with extended syntax and features |
  vf_blackframe.c | Search for black frames to detect scene transitions |
  vf_boxblur.c | Apply a boxblur filter to the input video |
  vf_colormatrix.c | ColorMatrix 2.0 is based on the original ColorMatrix filter by Wilbert Dijkhof |
  vf_copy.c | Copy video filter |
  vf_crop.c | Video crop filter |
  vf_cropdetect.c | Border detection filter Ported from MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_cropdetect.c |
  vf_decimate.c | |
  vf_delogo.c | A very simple tv station logo remover Ported from MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_delogo.c |
  vf_deshake.c | Fast deshake / depan video filter |
  vf_drawbox.c | Box drawing filter |
  vf_drawtext.c | Drawtext filter, based on the original vhook/drawtext.c filter by Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri |
  vf_edgedetect.c | Edge detection filter |
  vf_fade.c | Video fade filter based heavily on vf_negate.c by Bobby Bingham |
  vf_field.c | Field filter, based on libmpcodecs/vf_field.c by Rich Felker |
  vf_fieldorder.c | Video field order filter, heavily influenced by vf_pad.c |
  vf_format.c | Format and noformat video filters |
  vf_fps.c | Filter enforcing given constant framerate |
  vf_framestep.c | |
  vf_frei0r.c | Frei0r wrapper |
  vf_geq.c | Generic equation change filter Originally written by Michael Niedermayer for the MPlayer project, and ported by Clément Bœsch for FFmpeg |
  vf_gradfun.c | Gradfun debanding filter, ported from MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_gradfun.c |
  vf_hflip.c | Horizontal flip filter |
  vf_histeq.c | Histogram equalization filter, based on the VirtualDub filter by Donald A |
  vf_hqdn3d.c | High quality 3d video denoiser, ported from MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_hqdn3d.c |
  vf_hue.c | Apply a hue/saturation filter to the input video Ported from MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_hue.c |
  vf_idet.c | |
  vf_kerndeint.c | Kernel Deinterlacer Ported from MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_kerndeint.c |
  vf_libopencv.c | Libopencv wrapper functions |
  vf_lut.c | Compute a look-up table for binding the input value to the output value, and apply it to input video |
  vf_mp.c | |
  vf_null.c | Null video filter |
  vf_overlay.c | Overlay one video on top of another |
  vf_pad.c | Video padding filter |
  vf_pixdesctest.c | Pixdesc test filter |
  vf_pp.c | Libpostproc filter, ported from MPlayer |
  vf_removelogo.c | Advanced blur-based logo removing filter |
  vf_scale.c | Scale video filter |
  vf_setfield.c | Set field order |
  vf_showinfo.c | Filter for showing textual video frame information |
  vf_smartblur.c | Apply a smartblur filter to the input video Ported from MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_smartblur.c by Michael Niedermayer |
  vf_super2xsai.c | Super 2xSaI video filter Ported from MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_2xsai.c |
  vf_swapuv.c | Swap UV filter |
  vf_thumbnail.c | Potential thumbnail lookup filter to reduce the risk of an inappropriate selection (such as a black frame) we could get with an absolute seek |
  vf_tile.c | Tile video filter |
  vf_tinterlace.c | Temporal field interlace filter, ported from MPlayer/libmpcodecs |
  vf_transpose.c | Transposition filter Based on MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_rotate.c |
  vf_unsharp.c | Blur / sharpen filter, ported to FFmpeg from MPlayer libmpcodecs/unsharp.c |
  vf_vflip.c | Video vertical flip filter |
  vf_yadif.c | |
  video.c | |
  video.h | |
  vsink_nullsink.c | |
  vsrc_cellauto.c | Cellular automaton video source, based on Stephen Wolfram "experimentus crucis" |
  vsrc_life.c | Life video source, based on John Conways' Life Game |
  vsrc_mandelbrot.c | Mandelbrot fraktal renderer |
  vsrc_mptestsrc.c | MP test source, ported from MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_test.c |
  vsrc_testsrc.c | Misc test sources |
  yadif.h | |
 libavformat | |
  4xm.c | 4X Technologies file demuxer by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) for more information on the .4xm file format, visit: http://www.pcisys.net/~melanson/codecs/ |
  a64.c | |
  aacdec.c | |
  ac3dec.c | |
  act.c | |
  adtsenc.c | |
  adxdec.c | CRI ADX demuxer |
  aea.c | |
  afc.c | |
  aiff.h | Common header for AIFF muxer and demuxer |
  aiffdec.c | |
  aiffenc.c | |
  allformats.c | |
  amr.c | |
  anm.c | Deluxe Paint Animation demuxer |
  apc.c | |
  ape.c | |
  apetag.c | |
  apetag.h | |
  apetagenc.c | |
  aqtitledec.c | AQTitle subtitles format demuxer |
  asf.c | |
  asf.h | |
  asfcrypt.c | |
  asfcrypt.h | |
  asfdec.c | |
  asfenc.c | |
  assdec.c | |
  assenc.c | |
  ast.c | |
  ast.h | |
  astdec.c | |
  astenc.c | |
  au.c | |
  audiointerleave.c | |
  audiointerleave.h | |
  avc.c | |
  avc.h | |
  avformat.h | Main libavformat public API header |
  avi.h | |
  avidec.c | |
  avienc.c | |
  avio.c | |
  avio.h | Buffered I/O operations |
  avio_internal.h | |
  aviobuf.c | |
  avisynth.c | |
  avlanguage.c | |
  avlanguage.h | |
  avr.c | |
  avs.c | |
  bethsoftvid.c | Bethesda Softworks VID (.vid) file demuxer |
  bfi.c | Brute Force & Ignorance (.bfi) file demuxer |
  bink.c | Bink demuxer |
  bintext.c | Binary text demuxer eXtended BINary text (XBIN) demuxer Artworx Data Format demuxer iCEDraw File demuxer |
  bit.c | |
  bluray.c | |
  bmv.c | |
  brstm.c | |
  c93.c | |
  cache.c | |
  caf.c | CAF common code |
  caf.h | CAF common code |
  cafdec.c | Core Audio Format demuxer |
  cafenc.c | |
  cavsvideodec.c | |
  cdg.c | |
  cdxl.c | |
  concat.c | |
  concatdec.c | |
  crcenc.c | |
  crypto.c | |
  cutils.c | |
  data_uri.c | |
  daud.c | |
  dfa.c | |
  diracdec.c | |
  dnxhddec.c | |
  dsicin.c | Delphine Software International CIN file demuxer |
  dtsdec.c | |
  dtshddec.c | |
  dv.c | |
  dv.h | |
  dvenc.c | |
  dxa.c | |
  eacdata.c | Electronic Arts cdata Format Demuxer by Peter Ross (pross.nosp@m.@xvi.nosp@m.d.org) |
  electronicarts.c | Electronic Arts Multimedia file demuxer (WVE/UV2/etc.) by Robin Kay (komadori at gekkou.co.uk) |
  epafdec.c | |
  ffm.h | |
  ffmdec.c | |
  ffmenc.c | |
  ffmeta.h | |
  ffmetadec.c | |
  ffmetaenc.c | |
  file.c | |
  filmstripdec.c | Adobe Filmstrip demuxer |
  filmstripenc.c | Adobe Filmstrip muxer |
  flacdec.c | |
  flacenc.c | |
  flacenc.h | |
  flacenc_header.c | |
  flic.c | FLI/FLC file demuxer by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) for more information on the .fli/.flc file format and all of its many variations, visit: http://www.compuphase.com/flic.htm |
  flv.h | FLV common header |
  flvdec.c | |
  flvenc.c | |
  framecrcenc.c | |
  framehash.c | |
  frmdec.c | Megalux Frame demuxer |
  g722.c | |
  g723_1.c | G.723.1 demuxer |
  g729dec.c | |
  gif.c | |
  gifdec.c | GIF demuxer |
  gopher.c | |
  gsmdec.c | |
  gxf.c | |
  gxf.h | |
  gxfenc.c | |
  h261dec.c | |
  h263dec.c | |
  h264dec.c | |
  hls.c | Apple HTTP Live Streaming demuxer http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming |
  hlsenc.c | |
  hlsproto.c | Apple HTTP Live Streaming Protocol Handler http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming |
  http.c | |
  http.h | |
  httpauth.c | |
  httpauth.h | |
  icodec.c | Microsoft Windows ICO demuxer |
  icoenc.c | Microsoft Windows ICO muxer |
  id3v1.c | |
  id3v1.h | |
  id3v2.c | ID3v2 header parser |
  id3v2.h | |
  id3v2enc.c | |
  idcin.c | Id Quake II CIN file demuxer by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) For more information about the id CIN format, visit: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~timf/ |
  idroqdec.c | Id RoQ format file demuxer by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) for more information on the .roq file format, visit: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~timf/ |
  idroqenc.c | |
  iff.c | IFF file demuxer by Jaikrishnan Menon for more information on the .iff file format, visit: http://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=IFF |
  ilbc.c | |
  img2.c | |
  img2dec.c | |
  img2enc.c | |
  ingenientdec.c | |
  internal.h | |
  ipmovie.c | Interplay MVE file demuxer by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) For more information regarding the Interplay MVE file format, visit: http://www.pcisys.net/~melanson/codecs/ The aforementioned site also contains a command line utility for parsing IP MVE files so that you can get a good idea of the typical structure of such files |
  ircam.c | |
  ircam.h | |
  ircamdec.c | |
  ircamenc.c | |
  isom.c | |
  isom.h | |
  iss.c | Funcom ISS file demuxer |
  iv8.c | |
  ivfdec.c | |
  ivfenc.c | |
  jacosubdec.c | JACOsub subtitle demuxer |
  jacosubenc.c | |
  jvdec.c | Bitmap Brothers JV demuxer |
  latmenc.c | |
  libmodplug.c | ModPlug demuxer |
  libnut.c | NUT demuxing and muxing via libnut |
  librtmp.c | RTMP protocol based on http://rtmpdump.mplayerhq.hu/ librtmp |
  lmlm4.c | |
  loasdec.c | |
  log2_tab.c | |
  lvfdec.c | |
  lxfdec.c | |
  m4vdec.c | |
  matroska.c | |
  matroska.h | |
  matroskadec.c | Matroska file demuxer |
  matroskaenc.c | |
  md5enc.c | |
  md5proto.c | |
  metadata.c | |
  metadata.h | Internal metadata API header see avformat.h or the public API! |
  mgsts.c | |
  microdvddec.c | |
  microdvdenc.c | |
  mkvtimestamp_v2.c | |
  mm.c | American Laser Games MM Format Demuxer by Peter Ross (pross.nosp@m.@xvi.nosp@m.d.org) |
  mmf.c | |
  mms.c | |
  mms.h | |
  mmsh.c | |
  mmst.c | |
  mov.c | |
  mov_chan.c | |
  mov_chan.h | |
  movenc.c | |
  movenc.h | |
  movenchint.c | |
  mp3dec.c | |
  mp3enc.c | |
  mpc.c | |
  mpc8.c | |
  mpeg.c | |
  mpeg.h | |
  mpegenc.c | |
  mpegts.c | |
  mpegts.h | |
  mpegtsenc.c | |
  mpegvideodec.c | |
  mpjpeg.c | |
  mpl2dec.c | MPL2 subtitles format demuxer |
  mpsubdec.c | MPlayer subtitles format demuxer |
  msnwc_tcp.c | |
  mtv.c | MTV demuxer |
  mux.c | Muxing functions for use within libavformat |
  mvdec.c | Silicon Graphics Movie demuxer |
  mvi.c | |
  mxf.c | |
  mxf.h | |
  mxfdec.c | |
  mxfenc.c | |
  mxg.c | |
  ncdec.c | |
  network.c | |
  network.h | |
  nistspheredec.c | |
  nsvdec.c | |
  nullenc.c | |
  nut.c | |
  nut.h | |
  nutdec.c | |
  nutenc.c | |
  nuv.c | |
  oggdec.c | |
  oggdec.h | |
  oggenc.c | |
  oggparsecelt.c | |
  oggparsedirac.c | |
  oggparseflac.c | |
  oggparseogm.c | |
  oggparseopus.c | |
  oggparseskeleton.c | |
  oggparsespeex.c | |
  oggparsetheora.c | |
  oggparsevorbis.c | |
  oma.c | |
  oma.h | |
  omadec.c | This is a demuxer for Sony OpenMG Music files |
  omaenc.c | |
  options.c | Options definition for AVFormatContext |
  options_table.h | |
  os_support.c | |
  os_support.h | Miscellaneous OS support macros and functions |
  paf.c | |
  pcm.c | |
  pcm.h | |
  pcmdec.c | |
  pcmenc.c | |
  pjsdec.c | PJS (Phoenix Japanimation Society) subtitles format demuxer |
  pmpdec.c | |
  psxstr.c | PSX STR file demuxer by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) This module handles streams that have been ripped from Sony Playstation CD games |
  pva.c | |
  pvfdec.c | |
  qcp.c | QCP format (.qcp) demuxer |
  qtpalette.h | |
  r3d.c | |
  rawdec.c | |
  rawdec.h | |
  rawenc.c | |
  rawenc.h | |
  rawvideodec.c | |
  rdt.c | Realmedia RTSP protocol (RDT) support |
  rdt.h | |
  realtextdec.c | RealText subtitle demuxer |
  riff.c | |
  riff.h | Internal header for RIFF based (de)muxers do NOT include this in end user applications |
  rl2.c | RL2 file demuxer |
  rm.c | |
  rm.h | |
  rmdec.c | |
  rmenc.c | |
  rmsipr.c | |
  rmsipr.h | |
  rpl.c | |
  rso.c | |
  rso.h | |
  rsodec.c | |
  rsoenc.c | |
  rtmp.h | |
  rtmpcrypt.c | RTMPE protocol |
  rtmpcrypt.h | |
  rtmpdh.c | RTMP Diffie-Hellmann utilities |
  rtmpdh.h | |
  rtmphttp.c | RTMP HTTP protocol |
  rtmppkt.c | |
  rtmppkt.h | |
  rtmpproto.c | RTMP protocol |
  rtp.c | |
  rtp.h | |
  rtpdec.c | |
  rtpdec.h | |
  rtpdec_amr.c | |
  rtpdec_asf.c | Microsoft RTP/ASF support |
  rtpdec_formats.h | |
  rtpdec_g726.c | |
  rtpdec_h263.c | |
  rtpdec_h263_rfc2190.c | |
  rtpdec_h264.c | H.264 / RTP Code (RFC3984) |
  rtpdec_ilbc.c | |
  rtpdec_jpeg.c | |
  rtpdec_latm.c | |
  rtpdec_mpeg4.c | MPEG4 / RTP Code |
  rtpdec_qcelp.c | |
  rtpdec_qdm2.c | RTP support for the QDM2 payload (todo: wiki) |
  rtpdec_qt.c | Quicktime-style RTP support |
  rtpdec_svq3.c | RTP support for the SV3V (SVQ3) payload |
  rtpdec_vp8.c | RTP support for the VP8 payload |
  rtpdec_xiph.c | Xiph / RTP Code |
  rtpenc.c | |
  rtpenc.h | |
  rtpenc_aac.c | |
  rtpenc_amr.c | |
  rtpenc_chain.c | |
  rtpenc_chain.h | |
  rtpenc_h263.c | |
  rtpenc_h263_rfc2190.c | |
  rtpenc_h264.c | H.264 packetization |
  rtpenc_jpeg.c | |
  rtpenc_latm.c | |
  rtpenc_mpv.c | |
  rtpenc_vp8.c | |
  rtpenc_xiph.c | |
  rtpproto.c | RTP protocol |
  rtsp.c | |
  rtsp.h | |
  rtspcodes.h | |
  rtspdec.c | |
  rtspenc.c | |
  samidec.c | SAMI subtitle demuxer |
  sapdec.c | |
  sapenc.c | |
  sauce.c | SAUCE header parser |
  sauce.h | SAUCE header parser |
  sbgdec.c | |
  sctp.c | Sctp url_protocol |
  sdp.c | |
  seek-test.c | |
  seek.c | |
  seek.h | |
  segafilm.c | Sega FILM (.cpk) file demuxer by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) For more information regarding the Sega FILM file format, visit: http://www.pcisys.net/~melanson/codecs/ |
  segment.c | |
  sierravmd.c | Sierra VMD file demuxer by Vladimir "VAG" Gneushev (vagsoft at mail.ru) for more information on the Sierra VMD file format, visit: http://www.pcisys.net/~melanson/codecs/ |
  siff.c | |
  smacker.c | |
  smjpeg.c | SMJPEG common code |
  smjpeg.h | SMJPEG common code |
  smjpegdec.c | This is a demuxer for Loki SDL Motion JPEG files |
  smjpegenc.c | This is a muxer for Loki SDL Motion JPEG files |
  smoothstreamingenc.c | |
  smush.c | |
  sol.c | |
  sox.h | |
  soxdec.c | SoX native format demuxer |
  soxenc.c | SoX native format muxer |
  spdif.c | |
  spdif.h | |
  spdifdec.c | IEC 61937 demuxer, used for compressed data in S/PDIF |
  spdifenc.c | IEC-61937 encapsulation of various formats, used by S/PDIF |
  srtdec.c | |
  srtenc.c | |
  subtitles.c | |
  subtitles.h | |
  subviewer1dec.c | SubViewer v1 subtitle demuxer |
  subviewerdec.c | SubViewer subtitle demuxer |
  swf.c | |
  swf.h | |
  swfdec.c | |
  swfenc.c | |
  takdec.c | |
  tcp.c | |
  tedcaptionsdec.c | |
  thp.c | |
  tiertexseq.c | Tiertex Limited SEQ file demuxer |
  tls.c | |
  tmv.c | 8088flex TMV file demuxer |
  tta.c | |
  tty.c | Tele-typewriter demuxer |
  txd.c | |
  udp.c | UDP protocol |
  url-test.c | |
  url.h | Unbuffered private I/O API |
  urldecode.c | |
  urldecode.h | |
  utils.c | Various utility functions for use within FFmpeg |
  vc1test.c | VC1 test bitstream file demuxer by Konstantin Shishkov Format specified in SMPTE standard 421 Annex L |
  vc1testenc.c | |
  version.h | Libavformat version macros |
  vivo.c | Vivo stream demuxer |
  voc.c | |
  voc.h | |
  vocdec.c | |
  vocenc.c | |
  vorbiscomment.c | |
  vorbiscomment.h | |
  vplayerdec.c | VPlayer subtitles format demuxer |
  vqf.c | |
  w64.c | |
  w64.h | |
  wavdec.c | |
  wavenc.c | |
  wc3movie.c | Wing Commander III Movie file demuxer by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) for more information on the WC3 .mve file format, visit: http://www.pcisys.net/~melanson/codecs/ |
  webvttdec.c | WebVTT subtitle demuxer |
  westwood_aud.c | Westwood Studios AUD file demuxer by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) for more information on the Westwood file formats, visit: http://www.pcisys.net/~melanson/codecs/ http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/8682/aud3.txt |
  westwood_vqa.c | Westwood Studios VQA file demuxer by Mike Melanson (melan.nosp@m.son@.nosp@m.pcisy.nosp@m.s.ne.nosp@m.t) for more information on the Westwood file formats, visit: http://www.pcisys.net/~melanson/codecs/ http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/8682/aud3.txt |
  wtv.c | |
  wtv.h | |
  wtvdec.c | Windows Television (WTV) demuxer |
  wtvenc.c | Windows Television (WTV) demuxer |
  wv.c | |
  wvenc.c | |
  xa.c | Maxis XA File Demuxer by Robert Marston (rmars.nosp@m.ton@.nosp@m.gmail.nosp@m..com) for more information on the XA audio format see http://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=Maxis_XA |
  xmv.c | Microsoft XMV demuxer |
  xwma.c | |
  yop.c | |
  yuv4mpeg.c | |
 libavresample | |
  arm | |
   audio_convert_init.c | |
  x86 | |
   audio_convert_init.c | |
   audio_mix_init.c | |
  audio_convert.c | |
  audio_convert.h | |
  audio_data.c | |
  audio_data.h | |
  audio_mix.c | |
  audio_mix.h | |
  audio_mix_matrix.c | |
  avresample-test.c | |
  avresample.h | External API header |
  dither.c | Dithered Audio Sample Quantization |
  dither.h | |
  internal.h | |
  options.c | Options definition for AVAudioResampleContext |
  resample.c | |
  resample.h | |
  resample_template.c | |
  utils.c | |
  version.h | |
 libavutil | |
  arm | |
   bswap.h | |
   cpu.c | |
   cpu.h | |
   float_dsp_arm.h | |
   float_dsp_init_arm.c | |
   float_dsp_init_neon.c | |
   float_dsp_init_vfp.c | |
   intmath.h | |
   intreadwrite.h | |
   timer.h | |
  avr32 | |
   bswap.h | |
   intreadwrite.h | |
  bfin | |
   bswap.h | Byte swapping routines |
   timer.h | |
  mips | |
   float_dsp_mips.c | Reference: libavutil/float_dsp.c |
   intreadwrite.h | |
   libm_mips.h | MIPS optimization for some libm functions |
  ppc | |
   cpu.c | |
   float_dsp_altivec.c | |
   float_dsp_altivec.h | |
   float_dsp_init.c | |
   intreadwrite.h | |
   timer.h | |
   types_altivec.h | |
   util_altivec.h | Contains misc utility macros and inline functions |
  sh4 | |
   bswap.h | Byte swapping routines |
  tomi | |
   intreadwrite.h | |
  x86 | |
   asm.h | |
   bswap.h | Byte swapping routines |
   cpu.c | |
   cpu.h | |
   float_dsp_init.c | |
   intreadwrite.h | |
   timer.h | |
   w64xmmtest.h | |
  adler32.c | |
  adler32.h | |
  aes.c | |
  aes.h | |
  attributes.h | Macro definitions for various function/variable attributes |
  audio_fifo.c | Audio FIFO |
  audio_fifo.h | Audio FIFO Buffer |
  audioconvert.h | |
  avassert.h | Simple assert() macros that are a bit more flexible than ISO C assert() |
  avstring.c | |
  avstring.h | |
  avutil.h | External API header |
  base64.c | Base64 encode/decode |
  base64.h | |
  blowfish.c | |
  blowfish.h | |
  bprint.c | |
  bprint.h | |
  bswap.h | Byte swapping routines |
  channel_layout.c | Audio channel layout utility functions |
  channel_layout.h | Audio channel layout utility functions |
  colorspace.h | Various defines for YUV<->RGB conversion |
  common.h | Common internal and external API header |
  cpu.c | |
  cpu.h | |
  crc.c | |
  crc.h | |
  crc_data.h | |
  des.c | |
  des.h | |
  dict.c | |
  dict.h | Public dictionary API |
  error.c | |
  error.h | Error code definitions |
  eval.c | Simple arithmetic expression evaluator |
  eval.h | Simple arithmetic expression evaluator |
  fifo.c | |
  fifo.h | Very simple circular buffer FIFO implementation |
  file.c | |
  file.h | Misc file utilities |
  float_dsp.c | |
  float_dsp.h | |
  imgutils.c | Misc image utilities |
  imgutils.h | Misc image utilities |
  integer.c | Arbitrary precision integers |
  integer.h | Arbitrary precision integers |
  internal.h | Common internal API header |
  intfloat.h | |
  intfloat_readwrite.c | Portable IEEE float/double read/write functions |
  intfloat_readwrite.h | |
  intmath.c | |
  intmath.h | |
  intreadwrite.h | |
  lfg.c | |
  lfg.h | |
  libm.h | Replacements for frequently missing libm functions |
  lls.c | Linear least squares model |
  lls.h | |
  log.c | Logging functions |
  log.h | |
  log2_tab.c | |
  lzo.c | |
  lzo.h | |
  mathematics.c | Miscellaneous math routines and tables |
  mathematics.h | |
  md5.c | |
  md5.h | |
  mem.c | Default memory allocator for libavutil |
  mem.h | Memory handling functions |
  old_pix_fmts.h | |
  opt.c | AVOptions |
  opt.h | AVOptions |
  parseutils.c | Misc parsing utilities |
  parseutils.h | Misc parsing utilities |
  pca.c | Principal component analysis (PCA) |
  pca.h | Principal component analysis (PCA) |
  pixdesc.c | |
  pixdesc.h | |
  pixfmt.h | Pixel format definitions |
  qsort.h | |
  random_seed.c | |
  random_seed.h | |
  rational.c | Rational numbers |
  rational.h | Rational numbers |
  rc4.c | |
  rc4.h | |
  samplefmt.c | |
  samplefmt.h | |
  sha.c | |
  sha.h | |
  softfloat.c | |
  softfloat.h | |
  time.c | |
  time.h | |
  timecode.c | Timecode helpers |
  timecode.h | Timecode helpers header |
  timer.h | High precision timer, useful to profile code |
  timestamp.h | Timestamp utils, mostly useful for debugging/logging purposes |
  tree.c | |
  tree.h | A tree container |
  utils.c | Various utility functions |
  version.h | Libavutil version macros |
  x86_cpu.h | |
  xga_font_data.c | CGA/EGA/VGA ROM font data |
  xga_font_data.h | CGA/EGA/VGA ROM font data |
  xtea.c | |
  xtea.h | |
 libpostproc | |
  postprocess.c | Postprocessing |
  postprocess.h | External API header |
  postprocess_altivec_template.c | |
  postprocess_internal.h | Internal API header |
  postprocess_template.c | Mmx/mmx2/3dnow postprocess code |
  version.h | Libpostproc version macros |
 libswresample | |
  arm | |
   audio_convert_init.c | |
  x86 | |
   resample_mmx.h | |
   swresample_x86.c | |
  audioconvert.c | Audio conversion |
  audioconvert.h | Audio format conversion routines |
  dither.c | |
  log2_tab.c | |
  rematrix.c | |
  rematrix_template.c | |
  resample.c | Audio resampling |
  resample_template.c | Audio resampling |
  soxr_resample.c | Audio resampling with soxr |
  swresample-test.c | |
  swresample.c | |
  swresample.h | Libswresample public header |
  swresample_internal.h | |
  version.h | Libswresample version macros |
 libswscale | |
  bfin | |
   swscale_bfin.c | |
   yuv2rgb_bfin.c | |
  ppc | |
   swscale_altivec.c | |
   yuv2rgb_altivec.c | |
   yuv2rgb_altivec.h | |
   yuv2yuv_altivec.c | |
  sparc | |
   yuv2rgb_vis.c | |
  x86 | |
   rgb2rgb.c | |
   rgb2rgb_template.c | |
   swscale.c | |
   swscale_template.c | |
   w64xmmtest.c | |
   yuv2rgb.c | |
   yuv2rgb_template.c | |
  colorspace-test.c | |
  input.c | |
  options.c | |
  output.c | |
  rgb2rgb.c | |
  rgb2rgb.h | |
  rgb2rgb_template.c | |
  swscale-test.c | |
  swscale.c | |
  swscale.h | External API header |
  swscale_internal.h | |
  swscale_unscaled.c | |
  utils.c | |
  version.h | Swscale version macros |
  yuv2rgb.c | |
 tests | |
  audiogen.c | |
  base64.c | |
  rotozoom.c | |
  tiny_psnr.c | |
  utils.c | |
  videogen.c | |
 tools | |
  aviocat.c | |
  cws2fws.c | |
  enum_options.c | |
  ffescape.c | Escaping utility |
  ffeval.c | Simple arithmetic expression evaluator |
  fourcc2pixfmt.c | |
  graph2dot.c | |
  ismindex.c | |
  pktdumper.c | |
  probetest.c | |
  qt-faststart.c | |
  trasher.c | |
  yuvcmp.c | |
 cmdutils.c | |
 cmdutils.h | |
 cmdutils_common_opts.h | |
 ffmpeg.c | Multimedia converter based on the FFmpeg libraries |
 ffmpeg.h | |
 ffmpeg_filter.c | |
 ffmpeg_opt.c | |
 ffplay.c | Simple media player based on the FFmpeg libraries |
 ffprobe.c | Simple media prober based on the FFmpeg libraries |
 ffserver.c | Multiple format streaming server based on the FFmpeg libraries |